degenDeploy: anonymous contract deployment protocol


In this project, we fork webb-tools implementation of tornado-core, and extend the tools provided to demonstrate how to deploy a contract as an anonymous user, using a dummy account!

Application Type


Proposal Overview

Within the scope of this proposal, the MVP is to implement a workflow which enables the user to interact with the deployed mixer using their mainnet account, commit transactions into it, and receive secret notes from said transactions, then extract funds to a burner and deploy new contract from the burner.

Use Cases

  1. For any actor who wishes to provide a service with anonymity
  2. For any actor who wishes to interact with another service with anonymity

Proposal Ask

In order to get this up and running, we request $15k/year stable basic income to take care of welfare and development costs.

This ask will be in line with the laid down milestones as detailed below

  1. launching a feature-complete product on our testnet
  2. forming a DAO with 5-out-of-9 multisig with our DAOs
  3. launching on our mainnet with audit
  4. attracting 1k daily active users (with launch video, full PR promotion)
  5. attracting 10k daily active users (with a detailed roadmap, governance process)

External Links

github project





Objective Date Status
Testnet Launch 03/04/2022 Done
Beta Testing + Fixes 03/06/2022 Done
Mainnet Launch 03/06/2022 Done
Smart Contract Audit 03/07/2022 Pending
Fixes + Redeployment 03/07/2022 Pending
DAO Deployment 03/08/2022 Pending

Competing Projects

potentially EasyLink


we need many people to make deposits to the anchor here, so that the mixer works correctly

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