Freedom Lottery
The immutable world lottery. FREEDOM is a decentralised, cross-border lottery game. No-one can stop FREEDOM
Please note the live testnet and demo video links at the bottom.
Proposal overview
Describe in less than 2,000 words on how this will benefit the blockchain ecosystem.
A lottery is more than just a game. It can funds things that are public goods. Although our demo is designed around supporting Ukraine, a game on Harmony could generated DAO multisig controlled funds for public goods that the blockchain and the community need. Unlike grants, the game is a sustainable means of finance because it attracts new money continuously. In addition such a game will attract more users for $ONE and the Harmony chain in general and help with adoption NFT marketplaces because of demand for secondary sales of the game NFTs.
Be specific about the goals and outcome of the proposal, with go-to-market and/or user-acquisition strategies if possible.
The five stages and tranches are a good fit for this project. We have received quotes from several auditors. For example, Certik are ready to start next week. After the audit and mainnet launch we deploy numerous forms of marketing to spread awareness about the game. This will include inviting well known community members to play it and talk about on their social media. We also have a longstanding partnership with Coinzilla for paid marketing if needed or considered strategic at the early stage. This depends on how viral we succeed in making the roll out.
What stage of the product or idea are you (and your team) at?
It is pre-audit, working testnet product with a good initial frontend.
Is it live on Harmony and/or another chain?
It is live on polygon mumbai for testing purposes.
How many active users do you currently have, or aim to acquire?
On test this is N/A. Potentially such a global game could grow to millions of users. This is the goal.
How much funding do you need?
The 5 proposal tranches fit our funding needs well. Current sprints run at a burn rate around $20,000 per month but most of the development is complete. Moving to marketing and promotion similar costs will help it reach self sustaining scale. Audit will be around $10k indicatively.
What are your milestones?
We work in sprints. The next sprint will focus on improving the frontend and increasing its stability. Social share is also a current challenge because the NFT visuals are SGVs. We will also look at native VRF on the Harmony chain as we prepare to implement this proposal.
Sprints or milestones include audit, mainnet launch, growth to 1000 users, 10,000, 100,000, 1M
What help do you need, or what gaps are there in your team?
Currently we have one gap in mathematics and data analysis. This will become increasingly important as we hone the right balance between the odds of instant and grand prices and the donation to causes. We also need a multisig that the community will trust to handle, allocate and/or administer the resources the game raises. The governance mechanisms of this DAO will need to be designed with the communities input and in a way that the community wants.
Proposal ask
$10K after launching a feature-complete product on our testnet
$10K after forming a DAO with 5-out-of-9 multisig with our DAOs
$10K after launching on our mainnet with audit
$10K after 1K daily active users (with launch video, full PR promotion)
$10K after 10k daily active users (with a detailed roadmap, governance process)
Metrics for success
Growth rate in users
Number of players holding NFT rather than burning
Secondary market usage number
External links
Demo link -
Testnet MVP (polygon mumbai) -