Hey @GeorgeofEmmaInterest, I’m pretty sure the intent here is to hold the Golden DAO more accountable and allow the DAO OPs Team to more easily track every funded project in one place. That is to say, if this DAO doesn’t report transparently and positively on its workings, that can be held to its detriment. I just had a quick look around the Discord (and now the forum) and it looks like there’s an ongoing drive to get especially all the funded DAOs on so their work can actually be accounted for. I think this is a good thing and not a “Hey join in, we will keep funding you” kinda thing.
Case in point- Meta Gamma Delta $1M Fund for Women in Web3 - #18 by StrongMindsHold
Everyone knows this project has been abandoned for months but as part of standard ops it is still good practice to involve them in conversation so you can clear things up once and for all.
@StrongMindsHold of course correct me if I’m wrong here