Hackathons: Watchit bot - Liquidity Finder and Alarm Watcher

Name of Project / DAO / Company

Watchit discord bot

Application type

Bounty / Grant

Proposal overview

The Watchit bot searches for and reports liquidity for token pairs. It also allows users to set alarms on the liquidity pairs.

The bot is already built and operational on Ethereum mainnet, polygon, avalanche and Harmony! Join the discord server to give it a test drive: https://discord.gg/GkyEqzJWEY

Here are some screenshots:

(could only post one embed as a new user, so I had to collate the screenshots)

Proposal ask

I am asking for resources, I would like to have a list of all the up-to-date token lists in JSON format for Harmony and a list of all the exchanges existing on harmony.

If you find the bot interesting and would like to see more features developed, I am happy to have this conversation.

Metrics for success

Servers the bot is installed and usage by the users.

External links

Watchit Discord Bot: Community Poll

  • Yes
  • No
  • More info needed
0 voters

For “More info needed”, please Reply to ask your question

This project is out of scope for any of the categories on harmony.one/300.

At this stage, I would encourage you to submit this project to our current hackathon. Projects have until Sep 30, 2021 to submit their projects.


Hi Thanos. We have responded to your original post. The application didn’t fit our ecosystem fund’s framework hence it was declined. You can also look at https://hack.harmony.one to see whether there’s a better fit for over there. Thank you.