Harmony Angels Bootcamp

Grow Youtube channel subscribers from Harmony local communities

  1. How would you like to contribute to Harmony?

Increase the number of YouTube channel subscribers from the members of local communities.

  1. Who you are and why do you care?

I’m @nickv, marketing and biz team member, Harmony Angels Bootcamp inspirer :sunglasses:

  1. What’s your plan? What’s your schedule?

Design a campaign for a local community in form of a giveaway that has on its purpose gaining new subscribers to https://www.youtube.com/harmonyprotocol/.

Goal to have 50+ new subscribers (real people)

Giveaway budget:
5000 ONE to distribute for winners;
2500 ONE for a GA manager.
manager’s reward is paid when the Goal is reached;

Apply with your GA idea now. You can start the GA when it’s approved with @nickv.