harmony bridge error , Please help

Hello, I want to ask about the bridge from ONE chain to ETH chain. 16750 usdt

I get an error when I made the bridge from 1USDT of ONE chain to USDT of ERC20.

Now neither of the two chains has USDT.

what should I do now?

Transaction url is Harmony ONE-ETH Bridge

who can help me ? @Babylonode @lij

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Check in the discord, there is a channel for help with the bridge. Alternatively you can email bridge@harmony.one with your transaction information.

The help menu in the bridge page is the best way.

I’ve experienced this myself, funds are safu.

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please, have a look through Harmony ONE-ETH Bridge or head to Harmony #bridge

Thank you all, I have sent an email to bridge@harmony.one,and I am waiting for a reply from the email.