I think I messed up - Help?

Hi all,
I think I messed up. I tried to send a good amount of $ONE from my Eth Metamask to my my Harmony Mainnet Addresss, is there anything I can do?

I couldn’t remember how I originally bridged my $ONE to Harmony mainnet and I just did this stupid txn.

Looking for any help, assuming I’m SOL.

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Do you have the Transaction ID?

If you sent it , it should be there… You cannot send from one chain to the next in Metamask… You should be able to add the Harmony address to Metamask and see the token.

Hey Maffaz, thanks for the quick response.

txn id is 0x1e16bd73d5684a99e00b1613be623a872ff1018dada2a2bb7a7460e8c99cc674

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I can send the etherscan log if you’d like.

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It was transferred to this address on ETH…


If you add this to Metamask and switch to the ETH chain, you should see the tokens… You might need to add the 1ONE eth contract to Metamask which is 0xd5cd84d6f044abe314ee7e414d37cae8773ef9d3

After that, you can use bridge.harmony.one to bridge the ONE tokens to the Harmony chain if you require.

I hope this helps…

Holy shit it worked! Thank you for your help !!

No problem… Happy for you :stuck_out_tongue: