Harmony Validator DAO Term 2 Election Results and Multisig information

Dear Harmonauts & Validators

We address you today to share some exciting news and developments within the Validator DAO.

First, we want to congratulate and welcome the new council members:


We also want to congratulate and welcome back previous council member:


The test of any organization’s longevity is its ability to pass on control. We’re thrilled to see that the Validator DAO passed this test with the successful elections of the new council members. The election demonstrated the power of self-organization and decentralization. It was great to see the increase in enthusiasm and voter participation. The resulting election was a powerful statement to the ability of the Harmony community to support and sustain itself without assistance from the Harmony team.

What we are accomplishing is ground breaking and thus presents new challenges that will have to be met with flexibility and creativity. Some challenges are small such as how to best log council members work hours. While other challenges are large such as how to onboard validators as the Validator DOA mandates. The council members are motivated to help guide the community in addressing all the challenges, large and small.

In our first meeting, the council members were all added to the multi-sig Harmony wallet and have been given access to all necessary social media accounts and documentation tools.

Funding request:
$100k for the 9 council members for the elected term of 13 weeks

We are excited for the opportunities and capabilities that a multisig staking wallet can mean for the Validator DAO. A multisig staking wallet would allow the Validator DAO to use bootstrapping funds to become self-sufficient. Furthering the Harmony protocol towards full decentralization.

The council members will adhere to their obligation to ensure funds are appropriated in a transparent manner through the use of the following GNOSIS Multisig safe:

Harmony Validator DAO Treasury Address:

Harmony ONE Format:

ETH Format:

(You can navigate to multisig.Harmony.ONE and add the above address to view and follow along with all future funding/proposal spend.)

We will be providing links to the timesheets for the initial council and will populate new tracking sheets for the current governors on the Validator DAO GitBook Page. The new governors will track their working hours through clockify.

Proof of the new council member is the Owners on the multi-sig wallet has been increased to requiring 6 out of 9 confirmations.


Thank you @HarmonyValidatorDAO for officiating this.

Yes, I do see the multisig wallets here. Looks like the breakdown works out to be $75/hour for 10+ hours per week for 9 governors in 13 weeks.

Initial Post - Validator DAO Elections-Q4 2021

Voting results - Snapshot

Approved for $100K DAO upon receiving all of the wallet addresses owned by Validator DAO Governors. You can in parallel submit the funding form at /invoices. Thank you!


Accounting ask: @ mentioning each Validator DAO Governor below to state the wallet address they manage



Abraham 0x26f9072871add12dcA0d216F04Cdf610361CC186
FarmonyONE 0xE76fF0CC2E48D89e839E6a720546Cfd6a11DCabA
HankTheCrank 0x65B69Da3D9Aa99cb81ECF908FB25656856c957A6
KevKellius | BrotherOne 0xb8E0aBb5Ae527137237567ddD167c338E541429e
Maffaz.one 0x08c4596B157EafAE5EC4E0fE629005Bab2a10C3D
Mask 0x24DAD6EfebBB491955b1eD2ae6d95a997D25b8f3
Stakeridoo 0x133763F7d93f2bC4241f9855F71bE5042f020A20
Symphony.one 0xFDbF61d09bFAd5B38963369eaC44F26Fa83B8F73
Titus 0x3d1a3FFcA0a0DF2e311A86DE81e01bC2C026892


Just to precise, Mask = ONE4All. Thank you


Thanks @Jacksteroo for your answer, we just submitted the funding form :blue_heart:


funded: Harmony Blockchain Explorer