ICON - Harmony BTP Bridge

Name of Project

ICON-Harmony BTP Bridge

Proposal overview

This is part of the ICON initiative to create a hub for cross chain communication between various L1s. Since we are active on both chain we felt it was a good opportunity to cross pollinate the two communities in line with cross chain visions of different L1s in the eco-system.
We will build a BTP bridge that will allow native coins and tokens to move cross chain between ICON and Harmony

First use case of the bridge will be support purchase for Wonder.game NFT sale using ICX ( native token on ICON).
After that a centralized version called icon-bridge that will support Native token and ERC-20 type token transfer between ICON-Harmony will be deployed.
Finally a decentralized version of bridge as part of final BTP spec. This version will allow more flexible message passing to support various use cases via Arbitrary call service.

Here is more information on ICON BTP strategy.

We have completed a bridge specifically supporting the use case of payment in ICON for a NFT mint in harmony. It is already deployed in icon/harmony testnet and functional. Around 900 ICON community members have shown interest in minting NFT on harmony in the initial sale. These are primarily new members coming to Harmony eco-system. As part of this work we have worked with herumi developer to create a java sdk for harmony BLS signature verification. Submitted a PR for a more efficient batch api to get receipt details in a block.
Icon -bridge with centralized relay is also deployed in testnet. Details are listed under external links.

Proposal ask

Total 50K requested

Milestone Tranche
icon-bridge in testnet [15K]
icon-bridge in mainnet [15k]
BTP full decentralized bridge in testnet [10K]
BTP full decentralized bridge in mainnet [10K]

Metrics for success

icon-bridge 2000 users primarily driven by wonder.game
BTP 5000 users driven by wonder.game and other apps such as galleryDao that we are planning to bring in more users.

External links

1. Submitted PR for fetching receipts in batch

[rpc] hmyv2_getBlockReceipts harmony#4077

2. Java BLS signature work ( this will be used in BTP 2.0 if harmony hasn’t migrated to ETH 2.0 bls signature by then.

This work was done in co-ordination with herumi developer to create a java wrapper.

3. icon-bridge related deployment on testnet

javascore are the smart contract on ICON berlin testnet
solidity are the smart contract on harmony testnet

“javascore”: {
“bmc”: “cx17ead9e38e3c67f7e60adffdc2891eab2a932481”,
“bsh”: “cxd0bf4867012eed4eca6901568d803e892c992f61”,
“irc2” : “cxc8977431935cb682db1e11f17ac0e19291aeabb4”,
“nativeBSH” : “cxedde5ba834fddcea4ae488eb0e588abb2b7831a9”,
“ONE” : “cxf6e39926c8a0a3597537ab478aac64c7e1ed8906”
“solidity”: {
“BMCPeriphery”: “0x4159f9A697735b299813Fe3A540c55e4bba4DD39”,
“BMCManagement”: “0x12F9ABcDABD1e39c5fA26A46E5D6602218558F51”,
“BSHImpl”: “0x9444951b6E49C934e8720A1A5FaaECfCA6498b26”,
“BSHProxy”: “0x42C870cC7d478d6149f875AbE0dFb956B6ad71E8”,
“HRC20TKN”: “0xD675E934898810373055B2770a0D9Ca224f00Ed3”,
“BSHPeriphery”: “0xF7A35d9F21e00feb7bcFCfD5A8c462A06437350D”,
“BSHCore”: “0xA03e9Fb138831D349851A1526EE9778Aec5e7961”,
“ICX”: “0xebD56c95bb204680b2C5b687c679bfe65b3ddadF”

4. BTP dashboard with harmony chain


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More information on BTP

Update on the bridge usage in relation to wonder.game launch.
So far 1312 ICON transactions that minted 4050 NFT on harmony.
We far exceeded the expectation of around 500 transactions initiated from ICON.

@Jacksteroo we can release the testnet $15k grant, as the team has been working for months on this now. Also, the game nft release shows the utility. The remaining grant can be released during mainnet icon bridge 2.0 (trustless).

github bounty created last year: Harmony <> ICON BTP Bridge · Issue #54 · harmony-one/bounties · GitHub

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