Name of Project
Proposal overview
Hi Everyone!
TLDR: We are proposing to integrate Harmony into ChainPort, enabling to bridge assets and contractual state between Harmony and all other chains we support (and will continue on adding).
ChainPort is a cross-chain bridge putting emphasis on security and general interoperability between all blockchains.
Launched on Mainnets just a few months ago around Mid-2021, we already have around 450M$ transaction volume to date, with a steadily growing userbase and transaction volume, with more projects onboarding weekly. our Max TVL to date was around 500M$, currently at around 170M$ due to markets’ volatility.
ChainPort App also puts a great emphasis on a clean and simple UX:
We currently support 7 Chains, and continuously working to add support for more.
We care a lot about security:
We are also scheduled to start a ~400K$ worth full 4 week audit by the top audit company Trail Of Bits (planned to start end of May2022) - which will cover all parts of our code from backend to frontend to contracts, and of course if Harmony is integrated by then this would include the Harmony integration as well.
And we try to give added value beyond other bridges:
Here are the current stats:
Our roadmap to date:
And looking forward to 2022 projected deliveries:
Grant Value Proposition
This partnership grant will help us deliver the following capabilities for the Harmony Community:
Expand Harmony ecosystem with Projects and Tokens from other chains:
Enable projects from any and all other blockchains in ChainPort network to bridge with Harmony - thus enabling new traffic sources and communities to onboard the Harmony ecosystem. We’ve been getting more and more requests from projects on other chains who wish to port over to Harmony, and establish a Harmony community and liquidity/tradability for their tokens, as well as enable -
Connect and extend Harmony Projects and community with other chains:
Enable Harmony projects and native Harmony tokens to bridge with any and all blockchains supported by ChainPort. Each such bridge will act to synergize and expand the community and market reach for these tokens, enabling them to trade across the interchain, tapping in to new traffic, communities and liquidity.
Proposal ask
For implementing each of the 2 major delivery points above, we ask for 100K$:
- Expand Harmony ecosystem with Projects and Tokens from other chains : 100K$
- Connect and extend Harmony Projects and community with other chains: 100K$
so a total of 200K$, which is expected to cover our initial Harmony implementation and integration costs.
Once ChainPort is integrated into Harmony, we may ask for an ongoing maintenance and support grant, and on our roadmap are more steps to generalize the bridge to enable more types of cross chain smart contract function calls, as well as to further decentralize the security structures by enabling quorums of parties and agents from each chain to act as additional validators on the minting and burning processes for tokens (and in the future for general purpose cross chain state transitions).
Metrics for success
We measure success with the following kpis:
- Global TVL
- TVL per source chain chain (e.g Harmony)
- Global $ Volume ported
- $ Volume ported per chain
- Global Transaction Count
- Transaction count per chain
- Global trend in transaction count
- trend in transaction count per chain
- number of projects porting into the new chain (porting into Harmony in this case)
- Liquidity added to the new chain (TVL locked on other chains ported into play in Harmony)
External links
Live App:
ETH Side Analytics: Dune
BSC Side Analytics: Dune
Telegram Main Community: Telegram: Contact @chainport