Kenya Harmony DAO

Hello, @George!

Excited to keep this proposal progressing towards a DAO bootstrap fund approval. Thanks for updating governors bio’s with links! Well-educated group and nice to see some familiar faces :slight_smile:.

It appears the 3 mandates for Kenya Harmony DAO are:

Harmony on Wheels (Community Creation)
Developer Trainings and Policy Lobbying (Bridging the gap of WEB2 TO WEB3)
Translate Harmony Website to Swahili (Bringing Harmony Closer Home)

Harmony on Wheels (Community Creation) is a wonderful goal. And a suitable mandate for what the DAO hopes to accomplish. I would ask that you summarize the paragraph underneath that particular mandate into 2 subclauses. The 3 mandates for a DAO should be able to fit within a tweet.

Developer Trainings and Policy Lobbying (Bridging the gap of Web2 to Web3). Harmony does not participate in lobbying. It is something we can not fund. Please consider removing the “lobbying” from your budget. And consolidate this particular mandate into two subclauses that relate to the goal.

Translate Harmony Website to Swahili (Bringing Harmony Closer Home). This is more of a deliverable than a mandate. Translation. Consider a different mandate, separate from Community Creation, that focuses on Bringing Harmony Closer Home.

I would like to reference the metrics again:

  1. Is it possible to refine your metrics to be more quantitive rather than qualitative? For instance:
  1. Be the foundation of Kenya communities DAO.
  • How exactly will Kenya Harmony DAO go about achieving this? And in regards to Kenyan communities, would it be possible for the Kenya Harmony DAO and the Kenya Harmony Gender DAO to combine forces?

Particularly, in regards to this specific metric:

  1. Participate in the annual AGM for Blockchain association of Kenya and sponsor some of the monthly events by the association.

Participating in the annual AGM for Blockchain is a lovely deliverable. The metric of success would be something like, signing up 1,000 people for the 1wallet while the DAO is in attendance. Consider defining the metrics a little more.

Considering the budget, while Harmony is still giving out the DAO bootstrapping funds we do not fund lobbying and we do not fund travel expenses. Once a DAO has found the path to self-sustainability, then the treasury management is entirely up to the governors and their respective communities.

To sum it up:

  1. Consolidate and refine the mandates.
  2. Define the metrics
  3. Adjust the budget

Bullish on getting this across the line with the Kenya DAO governors. Thanks for all of your patience and understanding.