Launches - Advancing Web3 with Credit

This proposal is approved under Project Y.
Thank you for meeting with us, looking forward!

Essa + Flu

Approved for $50K Launch grant. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing this built out with the first milestone for a Testnet Launch built on Harmony :tada:

“Testnet Launch” means launching a feature-complete product on Harmony Testnet. We define feature complete to include a user interface, connection to a wallet (Metamask, Harmony ONE Chrome Extension, etc.) on Testnet, and can be tested end-to-end by at least 100 users.

Funds will be released upon completing these milestones

$10K after launching a feature-complete product on our testnet
$10K after forming a DAO with 5-out-of-9 multisig with our DAOs
$10K after launching on our mainnet with audit
$10K after 1K daily active users (with launch video, full PR promotion)
$10K after 10k daily active users (with a detailed roadmap, governance process)

Meanwhile, to prepare receiving funds, email your identification documents to and create a Gnosis Safe MultiSig wallet at and using instructions below
:arrow_right: Setup Gnosis Safe with MetaMask & 1Wallet

Checkout the Funding FAQ for further info at Harmony Funding FAQ . Join the Harmony Grants Telegram channel to share your story and to gain partnerships there by growing your own ecosystem.

Please join the Harmony Grants Telegram channel and Harmony’s Discord server.

We’d love :blue_heart: to see weekly updates on this thread here, to keep the community posted on this proposal’s progress!

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