Hi guys,
I have the idea to create a M2E (moove to earn) game on the harmony protocol, that‘s pretty cool, you do something for your health (walking, running, cycling etc.) and earning money in one way.
What do you think about this idea?
Thank you!
BR from Austria,
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hey do you know step’n? i think
these are a great way to encourage health
especially in communities that might need
incentives to do so. curious to hear more
of your plans.
yes, I know STEPN, it is a great project!!
We should also create such a project on the harmony protocol with:
There will be a store‘s where you can purchase:
shoes for walking / running / hiking
There are also repair shops for the shoes and the cycles —> which you can pay with the token.
The project will earn some litte money by every transaction and when somebody purchase shoes or a bike.
Every Shoe or Bike is unique and can be minted (from 2 shoes will be made 1 unique)
There will be also a NFT store where you can sell the shoes or the bikes.
On the app you will find a store for purchasing and a „start button“ to start an activity where the gps from the mobile phone will be used.
Harmonauts, who is on board to create a moove to earn platform???
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Hey tom001 we are brainstorming some ideas
around this also with dance let’s connect!
Sending you a pm 
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Hi Sean,
already sent you a reply over PM.
lets form a strong team and build a great project based on harmony. 
Great idea. Are there other project that works on different blockchains? I’m curious to know