MongolNFT <> Harmony

Name of Project


Proposal overview

MongolNFT( is the #1 NFT marketplace in Mongolia. Since we launched 4 months ago:

⦁ Sold 12,000+ NFTs
⦁ 22K+ active community members in our Discord (MongolNFT DAO), including celebrities and politicians
⦁ Won Forbes Financial Award of 2021 (

Our platform makes it incredibly easy for anyone to create, buy, and sell NFTs, because we handle everything technical. This includes creating and deploying smart contracts across chains (Ethereum, BSC) for creators, minting for users, supporting FIAT and crypto currencies, and much more.

Our team is working on supporting both Harmony testnet and mainnet during the ETHDenver 2022.

Proposal ask


Metrics for success

⦁ Integrate Harmony testnet and mainnet
⦁ Prepare NFT Drop that is going to be minted on Harmony
⦁ Cross-marketing activities within the Harmony ecosystem

External links


Thanks Jack! I will review the proposal with the team.

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Great, looking forward to it.

the grant is approved in EthDenver, by d4 team of project X with @verali , @papi



Checking in. Have you launched on Harmony mainnet and DappRadar?

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