Name of Event/Project
Proposal overview
The objective of this grant is to support students and early-career individuals to travel to attend New York for an opportunity to attend NFT NYC and ETH NYC. This was inspired by previous initiatives by Li and Harmony to empower builders that are looking to attend this crypto week.
There will be 20 recipients of the scholarship and it will be required for each receipt to go through an application indicating 2 specific requirements. Firstly, it is required the purpose/intent of the scholarship to travel and secondly, the contribution that they will be able to provide Harmony by creating content or building a project specific to Harmony. The scholarships will undoubtedly provide the recipients with an opportunity to attend the conference, but it will also be required for them to reciprocate the value by indicating the direct value that can be given for their support.
Proposal ask
Total budget: $20K USD
Cost Breakdown:
- $1000 USD x 20 scholarship recipients
Metrics for success
Individuals will be required to submit an application indicating their interest to attend, the requirement for a scholarship to travel and the specific project/content idea that they will be to contribute to Harmony. It will be required for the receipts of the scholarships to cover the initial fee and once the submission is validated, the receipts will be reimbursed.
There will be 20 scholarships that are given away at the value of $1000 USD per recipient and it will be required for receipts and a fun NYC picture to be submitted to indicate their attendance. Attendees will have the option to use the scholarship for travel/accommodation purposes.
We will also work with Harmony to outline specific requirements of content/projects that can be created by the recipients.