Outstanding HIP Proposals Require Development

The following proposals have been voted on by the Community but have been sitting in the Issues section of Github for quite some time now.

HIP-14: Update Staking Portal ER/Uptime Metrics; Add Additional Information #583

HIP-15: Validator Governance Participation Indicator #584

HIP-17 : Remove Blacklist from the protocol #3979

[HIP] HIP-22: Show “All Eligible” by default on the staking portal #611

@giv @leo @lij @dpagan-harmony

Can we get an update on the progress of these or can we get a green light to start a bounty?

This HIP I committed a Pull request in November… Can it be reviewed, tested and committed?

[HIP] HIP-20: Adding Decimal To The Staking Dashboard #612


@giv @leo @lij @dpagan-harmony @sophoah

Can we get an update on the progress of these or can we get a green light to start a bounty?

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(Minimum required characters threshold)

It’s been months since some of these proposals were approved. Some of these HIPs are pretty easy to implement and would have a big impact for validators and delegators alike. An update or estimated time of implementation would be highly appreciated.

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@giv @leo @lij @dpagan-harmony @sophoah

Can we get an update on the progress of these or can we get a green light to start a bounty?


@Maffaz I think it is okay to start a bounty on those proposals. For now, the HIP-17 proposal can be postponed. Others can proceed. Please notify me once you created the bounty and we can decide the size of the bounty.


Should I create the bounty here on talk?

Why is hip17 postponed? It seems like the most simple one? Remove the blacklist.

Maybe the update is not reflected in the post

@ben2k_Stakeridoo can you update the original post?

Hey Maffaz. You can create the bounties on our Bounties repository on GitHub. For the reward section, lets set that to “TBD by core team after review of scope”. Hope this helps.