Powerbomb Finance: Check-in 1/3

> Team name
Powerbomb Finance

> Chosen hackathon track/s
Bringing TradFi to DeFi

> What did you work on this week?
UI: wireframe
Dapp: smart contract work
Marketing: shortlisting influencers
BD: getting investors to commit TVL to our dapp

> What are you hoping to complete by next week?
2 wallet integrations (Metamask first, WalletConnect next)
Build app on another EVM compatible chain to demonstrate multichain adaptability (not by next week, but within 2 weeks)

> Are you blocked by anything?
No, but harmony block explorer took a little bit of getting used to as compared to say etherscan bscscan or polygonscan.

> How can Harmony core team help?
Welllll since you offered, give us some ONE tokens to test in a prod setting, then we can deploy please?

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We hear you on the explorer. We’ll sync up to see how we can do better.