TheForce Trade Cross-Chain Defi,NFT

Project Name:


Application type

Harmony Cross-Chain, Partner

Proposal overview

TheForce.Trade is a DeFi and NFT Value-Adding Platform that utilises community-elected tools and smart contracts to unlock the full value of DeFi and NFT assets. It is designed to solve the difficulties of DeFi and NFT investors in collecting and analysing information on different projects and mining pools.!

The motivation behind developing this Platform is that a lot of DeFi investors, including ourselves, find it always difficult and time-consuming to put together all the data we need, and it is also quite cumbersome to manually harvest farming yields and switch between pools and projects.!

The Platform creates values by presenting users with community-voted tools they need to maximise their returns on DeFi yield farming and to unlock liquidity and valuation on NFTs collections while allowing them to track and control relevant risks.

More specifically, the platform offers tools and services including Zero-Fee Auto Compounding Farming, Community-Voted Pools, Wallet Allowance Checker, Impermanent Loss Calculator, History Yield Graph, NFT Mystery Boxes, NFT staking, NFT lending etc. These functions are organically associated through our governance token FOC.

Some typical use cases of the Platform include:

Any new or experienced Yield Farming Investor can use the Platform’s visually presented DeFi aggregator to find the best pools that suit their needs, and start generating compounded returns with one click, without needing to harvest their yields manually.

A new De-Fi project can apply to be listed on our launchpad and get immediate access to our thousands of investors in our community. We will then set up a funding pool based on a fixed purchase rate for tokens. The main benefit is that such Pools will maintain the token price throughout the sale until the initial supply is bought, and investors will know exactly how much they are paying for and how much tokens they are getting.

A new NFT investor can purchase, trade or list their entertainment NFTs through our NFT Platform, and can easily generate returns by staking purchased NFTs or lending out their NFTs.

An Artist with zero knowledge of NFTs can use the Platform’s NFT services to tokenise their artworks, generate NFTs, and put those NFTs on the Platform’s built-in auction system to make them accessible to investors around the globe. We have currently have 59k+ Twitter Followers and 30k+ members with 30% activated daily users in Telegram.!!


Peter (Co-Founder & CEO) has years of exeprience working as Senior Executive in Fintech companies and provides leadership to the project team at both strategic and operational level.

Benjamin (Co-Founder & CFO) is from a traditional Fund Management background and brings a wealth of financial experience and expertise to the project team, having worked with some of the largest names in financial services industry.

Charles (CTO) is a former Google engineer who enjoys the new challenges brought by the emerging blockchain technology and designing innovative solutions to provide the best user experience.

Liam (Senior Engineer) is a former Facebook Engineer and a full stack web developer with years of expertise in React JS, Solidity, Node.js and building RESTFUL web services.

Kellan (Lead Scientist) has a PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and has been doing years of research in applying machine learning algorithms in blockchain apps.

Proposal ask

$250K Cross-chain Marketplace Developing, Marketing, Nft Designing

Justification & Milestone

PR the collaboration with Harmony
NFT marketplace Graphic Design
NFT marketplace development
Coding Smart Contract and auditing
Tesnet Trial and PR for the NFT marketplace
NFT marketplace launching on Harmony

External links




Twitter: @theforcetrade

Thank you for submitting a proposal to Harmony’s $300M Ecosystem Fund

We are in the process of reviewing your proposal. We would also love :blue_heart: to have the Harmony community participate to ask questions and provide feedbacks.

Meanwhile, can you describe the cost breakdown for the ask? We would like to see how you’re justifying the grant and where it will be allocated to.

Project Name:


Application type

Harmony Cross-Chain, Partner

Proposal overview

TheForce.Trade is a DeFi and NFT Value-Adding Platform that utilises community-elected tools and smart contracts to unlock the full value of DeFi and NFT assets. It is designed to solve the difficulties of DeFi and NFT investors in collecting and analysing information on different projects and mining pools.!

The motivation behind developing this Platform is that a lot of DeFi investors, including ourselves, find it always difficult and time-consuming to put together all the data we need, and it is also quite cumbersome to manually harvest farming yields and switch between pools and projects.!

The Platform creates values by presenting users with community-voted tools they need to maximise their returns on DeFi yield farming and to unlock liquidity and valuation on NFTs collections while allowing them to track and control relevant risks.

More specifically, the platform offers tools and services including Zero-Fee Auto Compounding Farming, Community-Voted Pools, Wallet Allowance Checker, Impermanent Loss Calculator, History Yield Graph, NFT Mystery Boxes, NFT staking, NFT lending etc. These functions are organically associated through our governance token FOC.

Some typical use cases of the Platform include:

Any new or experienced Yield Farming Investor can use the Platform’s visually presented DeFi aggregator to find the best pools that suit their needs, and start generating compounded returns with one click, without needing to harvest their yields manually.

A new De-Fi project can apply to be listed on our launchpad and get immediate access to our thousands of investors in our community. We will then set up a funding pool based on a fixed purchase rate for tokens. The main benefit is that such Pools will maintain the token price throughout the sale until the initial supply is bought, and investors will know exactly how much they are paying for and how much tokens they are getting.

A new NFT investor can purchase, trade or list their entertainment NFTs through our NFT Platform, and can easily generate returns by staking purchased NFTs or lending out their NFTs.

An Artist with zero knowledge of NFTs can use the Platform’s NFT services to tokenise their artworks, generate NFTs, and put those NFTs on the Platform’s built-in auction system to make them accessible to investors around the globe. We have currently have 59k+ Twitter Followers and 30k+ members with 30% activated daily users in Telegram.!!


Peter (Co-Founder & CEO) has years of exeprience working as Senior Executive in Fintech companies and provides leadership to the project team at both strategic and operational level.

Benjamin (Co-Founder & CFO) is from a traditional Fund Management background and brings a wealth of financial experience and expertise to the project team, having worked with some of the largest names in financial services industry.

Charles (CTO) is a former Google engineer who enjoys the new challenges brought by the emerging blockchain technology and designing innovative solutions to provide the best user experience.

Liam (Senior Engineer) is a former Facebook Engineer and a full stack web developer with years of expertise in React JS, Solidity, Node.js and building RESTFUL web services.

Kellan (Lead Scientist) has a PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and has been doing years of research in applying machine learning algorithms in blockchain apps.

Proposal ask

$250K Cross-chain Marketplace Developing, Marketing, Nft Designing

Justification & Milestone

PR the collaboration with Harmony : 50K
NFT marketplace Graphic Design : 50K
NFT marketplace development: 50K
Coding Smart Contract and auditing: 50K
Tesnet Trial and PR for the NFT marketplace : 25K
NFT marketplace launching on Harmony: 25K

@TheforceTrade thanks for your update.

We’ve read a lot about what TheForce.Trade is about and is aspiring to be.

Can you please elaborate on more details regarding how you intend TheForce.Trade and Harmony to interact?

For instance, given that your platform is currently on BSC, are you building the NFT Marketplace on top of Harmony, or you intend to build it on BSC and enable it to connect to Harmony by bridging?
(The more details you provide, the quicker we’ll be able to move through the application.)

Thank you!

Hi @TheforceTrade , this proposal fits best to the Launch grant based on the guidelines at Apply for Grants or DAO

Applications of each launch must have prototyped a feature-full product. Harmony helps incubate these founding teams with product development, fundraising, and talent recruit.
We recommend a $50K equity-free contribution each:

$10K after launching a feature-complete product on our testnet,
$10K after forming a DAO with 5-out-of-9 multisig with our DAOs,
$10K after launching on our mainnet with audit,
$10K after 1K daily active users (with launch video, full PR promotion),
$10K after 10k daily active users (with a detailed roadmap, governance process).

Moreover, we recommend a 5-out-9 multisig account on Gnosis Safe with 3 governors from the project team, 3 governors from the project community, and 3 governors from Harmony DAOs – namely, ONEcommunityDAO, ONEdeveloperDAO, ONEincubatorDAO.

In all cases, we ask for 3-month exclusive campaigns with Harmony before more porting with other chains. We also offer follow-on investments – see 50 Investments ($20M) above; but, at the moment, you must have an outside, lead investor for us to match the funding terms. All codes, development materials and production assets must be fully open, preferrably with MIT or BSD licences; weekly updates must on sent on forum; and, all server deploys or mobile apps must be easily clonable.

Can we agree to the above terms?

Due to inactivity and mismatch of the current proposal to the guidelines, this proposal is declined and we’ll proceed to close the thread.
Please submit a new proposal within the guidelines, if such is still within your scope.
Thank you