1USCD De-peg

Hello all,

I’ve probably been living under a rock, but I just found out that my 1USDC on the ONE network is worth nothing due to a de-peg. I don’t know much about it and I wonder if someone can help me.

Is there still a possibility that it will come back to the old level? It’s now worth less than a 1/10 of what it was. Can someone tell me how this happens and if there is anything I can do?

I thought 1USDC was the same as USDC. I know, It’s stupid and save the effort with what I should have done. I hope someone can give me advice.

Thank you in advance


Following this. Could use some guidance from the community on what I should do with my 1USDC right now? I saw the website of the Harmony Recovery fund that converts my 1USDC into USDS but not sure if that is the route I am supposed to take OR if I just hold tight for now.

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Same, any news Harmony? Pretty lame that our money is worthless


I’m asking same question for almost 3 month and no reply.
How to bridge 1ETH and 1BTC back from Harmony?
No answers so far…


The truth is that no one has noticed that. No one has realised. They just keep building etc.

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