3RM.co - Web 3 Coordination and Relationship Management

Name of Project

3RM - 3RM.co

Proposal overview

3RM is building the first web3 Impact Network. The 3RM network is a web of blockchains, protocols, DAOs, and projects. We connect our network by facilitating the right introductions between verified individuals at each organization. This changes the way people create, nurture, and sustain relationships in web3.

Relationship management hasn’t been given the attention it deserves, and we’ve seen this have compounding effects on missed opportunities. Our mission is to facilitate web3’s growth by connecting organizations, and supporting them with the tools to coordinate there efforts and collaborate effectively.

Why web3 needs a better Relationship Manager:

When we talk to our members, we have noticed three key things about relationships in Web3:

  1. There is no verified identity or structure in who you are supposed to connect with at various organizations which leads to scams, bots, and low-quality proposals.
  2. Traditional SaaS CRMs are not built to manage the variety of different communication channels, profiles, and opportunities that are created in Web3, and a lot of information and action items are being lost or forgotten about in Discord, Telegram, and other channels of management.
  3. The values of traditional CRMs focus primarily on sales and customer success and aren’t built to handle projects, co-marketing, hackathons, and other initiatives with communities, DAOs, anon and doxxed accounts.

This has caused a major inefficiency in execution between teams and has slowed down the growth and scaling that could be happening in the ecosystem today. We are fixing this by creating a better way for people to be introduced, collaborate, manage, and foster their ideas.

Here is how we are reimagining Relationship Management for Web3 organizations:

  • We’re building a network of verified organizations and individuals
  • Participants within the 3RM network are able to cut through the noise and better manage their inbound and outbound proposals with other verified participants.
  • We manually facilitate warm introductions to ensure the quality of connections remains high and record the interest levels between our members.
  • We are manually plotting nodes and edges for each introduction made in order to build our impact network analysis and to understand the engagements between our members.
  • We bring in the open-source communication tools of web3 to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.
  • We create connections for the purpose of shared learning, and collaborative action, and provide the enabling infrastructure to grow together.

Current Status

Join the impact network and find shared purposes, all supported by an enabling infrastructure

  1. From Directory to Network (Active) - We populated 1500+ organizations and individually prospected every single one to form the initial 3RM network.
  2. Profiles for Verified Identities (Active) - Once claimed and verified, our members use their profiles to connect with each other. These profiles represent the nodes in our network.
  3. Onboarding and signal assessment (Active) - To be part of the 3rm network, you have to signal what it is your organization is offering. We also help you signal any interests or needs that we can use to find your intersecting points both personally and as an organization.
  4. Proposal Management (In-Development) - Proposal management and status tracking is currently unorganized and often dependent on tracking multiple communication channels. We want to build a streamlined way for members to receive and act upon inbound proposals for collaboration, as well as track their own outbound proposals.
  5. Signal Matching (In-development) - Every week, we offer the user potential connection opportunities. These opportunities align with the needs you signaled to the network or the solutions you offered. If both contacts are looking to meet, we make the introduction on your preferred methods of communication. This allows us look into the externalities of these connections, and allows us to invest in modular tools.
  6. Modular Collaboration Tools (Next Phase) - As the community grows, so too will the different types of opportunities and collaborations that need to be managed. As we build the necessary tooling, we aim to remain decentralized while improving coordination. Verified members can offer there own tooling solutions, or we tap into our 3RM community with a bounty for hyper-specific needs. All tools are open source!

What stage of the product or idea are you (and your team) at?
We’ve built a successful connection network comprised of 75 verified organizations. We’ve manually onboarded every single organization to better understand what they are looking for, what they can offer others, and how we can grow the network. All introductions are done in their preferred communication channels so we can learn how to create more fluidity in collaboration.

We’ve reached out to 1,500 Web3 organizations over the past month and have had direct calls with 372 organizations. Our waitlist is growing but we have reached maximum capacity working manually and need to start building an external facing tool to allow this network to grow and remove the operational overhead required to run.

Is it live on Harmony and/or another chain?
It is not yet but that is why we are seeking grant money in order to build into the Harmony ecosystem and start to build a node + edge network to begin mapping out the current connections that projects and participants have with one another to make onboarding better and discovery more effective.

How many active users do you currently have, or aim to acquire?
75 organizations in the network, 300 on the waitlist, 1500 with verified identification. We can add roughly two new organizations a day with our current manual process but can imagine that to scale tremendously as we develop tooling.

How much funding do you need?
Organized in product milestones:

  1. Finish the data structuring that allows unverified organizations be claimed by applicants and combining that data to generate a verified account in the network.
    (Engineering - 2 weeks, $5000)
  2. Onboarding new members and conducting video-interviews with every applicant to ensure that each application is valid
    (Operations - 2 interviews a day for 60 days, $6,000)
  3. Update our internal matching tool to better manage the connection of verified organizations in preparation for members use:
    (Data Science - 1 week, $2,500)
    (Engineering - 4 weeks, $10,000)
    1. Nodes + Edges tracking
    2. Status tracking
    3. Follow up automation
    4. Analytics tracking
  4. Updating our verified profiles to reflect the changes in our internal tool (3) in preparation for members to be able to log-in with individual profiles.
    (Engineering - 4 weeks, $10,000)
  5. Scale the number of introductions to our existing members as the network grows
    (Operations - 2 weeks, $5,000)
    1. New operations teammate
    2. In-line with the data from the internal matching tool update
  6. Consult security requirements for making the verified organizations and profiles public-facing as we prepare to allow members to connect with each other
    (Security Consultant - 1 week, $5,000)
  7. Overhead and operational costs
    (Operations - $4,000)


Engineers: $25,000

Operations: $15,000

Designers: $5,000

Data Science: $2,500

Security Consultant: $2,500

What help do you need, or what gaps are there in your team?
We’ve worked for consistent validation on this idea and we need support in finding engineering and data talent who can help us build out this product. Because there is nothing like it and there are a variety of different directions we can take, it would be great to find someone very creative in product who could help us shape the structure of this as well.

Proposal ask


$10K to finish stage 1 and 2 outlined above
$10K after to start building stage 3
$10K after to focus on stage 4
$10K after to finish stage 5
$10K after we reach 100 members, able to add Harmony projects, and are focused on scaling.

Thank you for submitting a proposal to Harmony’s $300M Ecosystem Fund. We are in the process of reviewing your proposal and will assign a representative on behalf of the Grants Ops team.

We would also love :blue_heart: to have the Harmony community participate to ask questions and provide feedbacks.

Assigned to @Mattyontap. The funding you’re proposing is to recruit for builders? @jackson1

If you have more details to add, please do so by replying to this thread.

Hey @cheualx and @Mattyontap thanks so much for getting back to me on this. It’s great to hear from you.

The funding we are proposing is for 4 different functions of the business:

  1. Builders, yes. I have hacked together a backend to manage all of our current members, the connections we are creating, and tracking the engagement. Our members have been making a variety of requests and for specific modular features that I can’t build while trying to manage the other facets of the operation. Our goal with the grant money is to complete the tooling needed to service our current customers and then position ourselves to scale by 5x in the coming months. This requires transitioning our internal tooling built throughout this process into something that our members can use at scale.

  2. Operations - As it currently stands, this has been the most valuable facet of our business. Currently, we have set up a call with every member on our waitlist in order to deeply understand how we can build the product, the problems that organizations are having, and how we can improve the status quo. While this does take a remarkable amount of time, it has allowed us to connect with our users on a personal level so our introductions have remained high quality and the members have reciprocated the value. We are hoping to utilize the grant money so we can put more focus and effort to onboard users faster and figure out creative ways to streamline this without decreasing the value of this process.

  3. Scale - When are expecting to have well over 500 members in the network in the coming weeks. We have begun to notice that is no common denominator for a lot of these members. That is another reason we are reaching out to Harmony. We would love to start to focus on supporting the Harmony ecosystem and building out our product for a common community and creating camaraderie amongst our members. By partnering with Harmony, we would ultimately be able to map out of the ecosystem participants know each other, how they work together, how they fund each other, and the results of their networking. This would create a tangible value to your members and map out the ecosystem to bring value and new ideas to other members. We are hoping to use grant money to scale more strategically. We want to be more in control and add greater value to our ecosystem partners.

  4. Value - Right now, we are trying to eliminate barriers to entry in order to create as much value in the networks as possible. We are pre-populating profiles so users need to enter less information, we are self funding (we’re broke, broke) so we can have the creative freedom to build what is needed, and we never want to charge for the matching service. We believe that this is correct approach so we don’t need to focus on revenue models or valuations and can instead pour our time and effort back into our members and product. Our runway is low, our overhead is next to nothing, and this grant would help us expedite this project build which will hopefully allow us to bring on more members and identify unique ways to cover our own expenses. The money from this grant isn’t being used to cover personal expenses but rather to create more value faster on our current timeline.

We hope to work with Harmony on this project because it’s an audacious goal but the potential of what we could create around having a verified person at every organization is very exciting to us. We see endless possibilities on the tooling we could make to measure network participation, engagement, and value add. Regardless of funding, we would love to add Harmony to this network and start facilitating introductions for your team.

If you have some time, my co-founder and I would be thrilled to hop on and explain further and figure out with the Harmony team what is essential and how we can hyper focus the GTM to have these tools map out the Harmony ecosystem, the relationships between it’s members, the funding of public goods, and the value produced.

Thank you.

Hey @Mattyontap – Just wanted to follow up here because we have been making a ton of progress on our build and would love to share that with you so we can update you on where we are at. We have an internal tool that we have been using and would love to reconnect on this so we can showcase how we would build this out for the Harmony ecosystem.
Please let me know if we can set up a few minutes to connect and I appreciate your time.

Hey @Mattyontap just wanted to follow up here one more time :slight_smile:

Hi! I would love to colloborate, we are interested in this very thing, if you are looking for help building.

Hi @jackson1 - reassigned to myself to review. Will keep you posted.