A DeFi Community Discussion

Hello again, boys and girls.
There are several posts created by me already (funding application here and another discussion here) yet still, I’ve decided to open another discussion.
The Opus Dei Money (OPD) team had an interesting talk with the advisory board, it took quite some time and as it often happens with long calls like that, the whole discussion took quite a philosophical angle. Here is the reason, why did I create a new topic instead of continuing existing ones. You see, the question here is very general and actually has very little to do with the Opus Dei Money.

So, guys, the DeFi. People are talking about it, new money is coming in, a hyped topic since the summer of 2020 and so on and so on… but!

Do people actually need it?

For the OPD team, the answer is obvious. I believe, there is a lot of people in the community thinking the same way as we do - that the current monetary system is done and we just can’t go on like that anymore, but let’s try to look at the other side. The amount of DeFi projects popping out on any network is just crazy. It’s not just difficult, it is impossible to try them all. Do people actually use these 99%-the-same services or is it all just a good thing to have? There are more and more people are coming to the crypto-sphere, but very often their road begins and ends somewhere like Coinbase or Binance. All that points to the fact that the DeFi sector is made for more advanced users and making interfaces and usability of such kinds of services easier won’t bring anywhere. The DeFi means knowledge, awareness and responsibility. Do people actually need that?

Once again, the answer and the necessity of DeFi for the OPD team is absolutely obvious. It’s all in and full “Yes”. That is one of the reasons we are trying to draw the attention of the community to the ideological aspect and build it on DAO principles.

But what does the community thinks? Do we actually need DeFi’s, NFT’s and all that or is it just another hype and it will end soon? That could be an interesting discussion.