Hello everyone,
I am brand new to crypto and I understand that I don’t understand much. The reason I got into it is because my friend bought a gen 0 Defi kingdoms card and I saw that what I thought was a joke investment was actually real. I honestly had to be talked step by step about what each component of how to set up my 1st crytpo investment. I feel that the whole crypto world has a lack of day to day speaking to common people who are not tech savvy. I think if harmony is able to make a real course on how to do everything step by step showing benefits would honestly benefit the entire network. I would go so far as to say setting up a course that paid the individual in one to complete that they could use on the network would make a customer for life.
The major issue is having someone that can talk to the average person without the bells and whistles of the tech world. I am not the best writer but I can express these ideas clearly if wanted.
Thanks for your time.
Something along those lines is being built for the community 
I would love to be involved if at all possible. I honestly think I have some good ideas for it.
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Hi there. I’m building a simple world called cryptosimple.info and cryptosimple.one.
Not ready yet as it is under development. Feel surrounded by a lot of people like you as I’m talking to my day-by-day friends, family…
Even though they tell you that you have the community and sometimes the people can help you, you’ll be overwhelmed by the number of messages, although the Harmony team does its job really well, but the chat is fast and there is no info sorted.
My recommendation is for you to read simple crypto books to start understanding what you do, what you can do, and why. And spend many hours studying. There is no shortcut to understanding this. Trust me. Our goal is to simplify in a real language the concepts, although sometimes it’s hard.
Good luck.
Thanks for that suggestion! The Community DAO has actually initiated discussions with the other core DAOs (dev, validator, and creative) this week to begin work on creating a ‘landing page’ for harmony that would be a one stop spot and contain guides, glossaries, calendar of events, and any other materials deemed necessary by the community to assist in onboarding new users and giving them the knowledge to become competent in taking advantage of all that harmony offers. As part of this, we are considering a survey of sorts that could be used to highlight specific areas that the user may need more education regarding. Learn to earn has been discussed as a possible feature of this, but nothing has been set in stone yet as the first focus needs to be on compiling all appropriate info. Stay tuned as this project may take some time to be completed. In the meantime, is there any specific assistance you might need? If I can’t personally help, I can get you pointed in the right direction.
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No not at all, In all honestly I think that if you Harmony wants to be the forefront of getting the average person on board it will take a lot more than a great looking page that is easy to use. I design courses I understand what is needed. If Harmony wanted to actually reach the average person and make them life long investors you could 100% do it with real out reach. Truth be told I am only passionate about it because I can see the positive outcome to others. I think if you were to survey none crypto users you would find that most of them have no idea about anything other than crypto being a stock market in which you buy a 'coin" and sell it in 5 years. The reason I am bringing this up is because if you do this right you can open this up to be a lot bigger than a lot of eco systems. I do however assume you know a lot more about all of this than me and I can’t wait to see what the team comes up with.
We will be inviting the community to participate in the process, so please keep an open eye for our calls for input as nothing has been set yet. The idea behind the landing page is a direct result of it being requested nearly every cdao Twitter space. While the DAOs will ultimately take the lead in its creation, we want as much community input as possible.
And if some different forms of educational tools are desired, then we will do our best to include them.
I love the positivity, but this proves my point slightly. Most working-class people aren’t using Twitter to engage with crypto. It is an echo chamber, my major issue with the crypto world is that they lack the ability to talk to the average individual in any meaningful way. If you can do it you will meet a market that is far bigger than anything else. I do understand though that you have boxes to tick and you have your end to meet. The reason I posted my concern is that the 1st ecosystem to appeal to people like me will gain a lot more than any other ecosystem. I am however delighted to be in the community now and can’t wait to see what you all do.
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We will not be limiting our outreach to just Twitter. It’s just a forum for us to have regular discussions with community members, but your concerns are noted.
To come back to this Topic I would like to invite you to come over to this Discussion: Landing Page Project Grant Proposal