Unfortunately we haven’t seen much feedback from the community or other DAOs ( (Thank you FRATE + tagging the @HarmonyCommunityDAO or @HarmonyValidatorDAO for comment ) but I still think this would be a good option for at least the DEV DAO to fund via a bounty.
As the problem we’re aiming to solve is to INCREASE community involvement ( |
), not receiving community involvement on the subject is to be somewhat expected.
The goal is that this initiative is to increase participation in DAO tooling options, such as coordinape and aragon, because they require people to show up and use those tooling options for them to become ultimately useful.
While participation is still quite challenging for governance, if we can issue tokens without as much registration and bureaucracy, we may be able to incentivize bringing more people into these DAO tooling options via a simple token reward/issuance.
I am asking that the community & DEV DAO Governors @Severin @BooneBergsma @coinFan @BoGani.net @schwab16 @BRUNO @Kruger @harjas27 vote to indicate if funds should be allocated to create the required contracts and a simple interface to issue the tokens as outlined above.
I believe this would probably be best done as a bounty, so that we can put this work out into the ecosystem and since we’re still unclear on how funding bounties, I believe we should attempt to fund this from the DAO treasury.
We’re currently we’re still waiting to receive funding for the harmony_dev_dao in order for the DEV DAO to persist, but if we receive funding, I believe this would be a valuable use of those funds ( Developer DAO Funding Request - #8 by harmony_dev_dao )
Thank you!
- YES, Allocate funds from the DEV DAO treasury to create a bounty aimed to streamline & increase/reward community involvement ecosystem wide via an [ANY]DAO Token standard.
- NO, Do not allocate funds from the DEV DAO treasury to create a bounty aimed to streamline & increase/reward community involvement ecosystem wide via an [ANY]DAO Token standard.
- NEITHER, Request funds from the Harmony CORE TEAM to create a bounty aimed to streamline & increase/reward community involvement ecosystem wide via an [ANY]DAO Token standard.
- NEITHER, Do NOT create a bounty aimed to streamline & increase/reward community involvement ecosystem wide via an [ANY]DAO Token standard.
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