- Collateralized loans for NFTs

Name of Project - Collateralized loans for NFTs.

The Clen protocol is a debt auction marketplace colaterilized by NFTs.

Proposal overview

This decentralized aplication generates value for two personas: NFT holders that want to borrow ETH using their NFTs as a colateral, Investors who want to earn interest on colaterilized loans.

Business rules: NFT owners can create “Deals” specifing the minimum and max amount to be borrowed and the maximum interest rate to be paid. Investors can then bid on deals to compete for the best interest earning opportunities. Upon the deadline the debt can be either paid in full (principal + interest) or the NFT can be claimed by the creditor.

Clen will benefit the blockchain ecosystem by providing liquidity and price discovery for harmony NFTs.

What stage of the product or idea are you (and your team) at? Is it live on Harmony and/or another chain? How many active users do you currently have, or aim to acquire? How much funding do you need? What are your milestones? What help do you need, or what gaps are there in your team?]

We are on harmony testnet.

Proposal ask


Metrics for success

After launching a feature-complete product on harmony testnet we aim to create a DAO and audit the contract to launch mainnet.

External links


Walkthrough: blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project - YouTube


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Thank you for submitting a proposal to Harmony’s $300M Ecosystem Fund. Allow me to be your representative on behalf of the Grants committee. We are in the process of reviewing your proposal.

If you have more details to add, please do so by replying to this thread. We would also love :blue_heart: to have the Harmony community participate to ask questions and provide feedbacks.

I would like to change the proposal ask for $10k

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Hello Antonio:
From my side, it’s a yes for this project.
@dcarranza it would be worth taking a look, please.

This proposal fits best to the Launch grant based on the guidelines at Apply for Grants or DAO

Applications of each launch must have prototyped a feature-full product. Harmony helps incubate these founding teams with product development, fundraising, and talent recruit.
We recommend a $50K equity-free contribution each:

$10K after launching a feature-complete product on our testnet,
$10K after forming a DAO with 5-out-of-9 multisig with our DAOs,
$10K after launching on our mainnet with audit,
$10K after 1K daily active users (with launch video, full PR promotion),
$10K after 10k daily active users (with a detailed roadmap, governance process).

Moreover, we recommend a 5-out-9 multisig account on Gnosis Safe with 3 governors from the project team, 3 governors from the project community, and 3 governors from Harmony DAOs – namely, ONEcommunityDAO, ONEdeveloperDAO, ONEincubatorDAO.

Read about our Harmony Ventures Network program if you are seeking to raise capital.

Can we agree to the above terms?

As you are already in testnet, would you carefully read the above grant given structure, please?
Thank you