Community DAO Council Candidate Term 2 : GlobeyNFT

Harmony Community,

It is with great pride I announce my intention to run for re-election as a governor for the Harmony Community DAO for the upcoming term. My candidacy post is a little delayed thanks to a small bout with COVID caught during the DAO conference in Colorado, but here we are!

My post will be broken down into a brief introduction about who I am and what I am involved in throughout the Harmony communities we serve. The second part will be a breakdown of my contributions over the last three months, and why I feel that puts me in a position to continue to serve the Community in a governor role.

1. Who am I ?

My name is Jeremy Straughan , although most within the community refer to me as Globey. I am a 27 year old father of two, and enjoy working on community building and brand identity functions within our communities.

I currently serve as a community manager for daVinci.Gallery where I have volunteered since April of this year, being one of the first and loudest supporters of the vision of daVinci, and the need for genuine community engagement even when few felt it was necessary.

I worked with our moderators on Reddit to conduct the first AMA for daVinci and have continued to conduct outreach for the brand through marketing materials, writing of many of the recent documents released from the team (including the primary VINCI launch article)

I Worked closely with the Team at TokenJenny to design their brand identity and logo work and look forward to coordinating with them to broaden the reach of their newly released governance tools, that will allow all projects to bootstrap community governance as a feature of their projects, just to name a few.

Most importantly however, I feel is my contributions to the Community DAO initial term.

2. My contributions as governor the past three months.

I prefer to let work speak for itself, but as a candidate I do want to state for anyone reading that there has been a mountain of work undertaken by ALL members of the community DAO.

My biggest contribution in this role is firmly understanding and executing the human protocol side of governance. We are a group of very different people, with very different ideals, and we have seen publicly how messy that concept can become when put to practice,

I personally spent countless hours with each governor, learning their goals, their concerns, interfacing with other community leaders and hearing their concerns (to the tune of about 70 hours worth of dialogue) to help form a consensus of where we were, where we wanted to go, and obstacles that needed to be crossed.

The human interfacing is a portion of governance that is often overlooked, but without it we truly do not have a means to govern together. Using the relationships built throughout the process, we were able to better align with the Harmony foundation, and move our goals along to the finish line.

I believe everyone contributed in an awesome way to accomplish the things we did in our first term, and I feel this is my biggest contribution, was helping ensure we all had an understanding and communicated in a way that facilitated actual progress.

Looking forward, as our DAO expands, I believe this skillset and experience will be paramount in ensuring the longevity of our governance and communication to the broader community.

I thank you for the opportunity and for your vote.


Wish you all the best for the election and would be a pleasure to work with you on the DAO

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That is true - is the best Council candidate - personally learned from his video which are very easy to watch and very informative.
Yes from me! :+1:


Globey, through the stages of the Initial Council you was an absolute vital council member and part of the team. Best of luck for the election! Every team needs a Globey.

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