Harmony Community,
It is with great respect to the work ahead of all of us, to formally announce my candidacy for the Harmony Community DAO Initial Council.
The road ahead for Harmony must be paved with open communication, transparency, and a vision for the future of our Communities. The DAO should effectively represent all facets of what makes Harmony unique, and use that clarity to focus and invigorate the community going forward.
My current roles, of which I have had the privilege to serve are as:
The Community Manager & Moderator for daVinci.Gallery on Telegram,Discord,Twitter, and Reddit;
The Co-founder of TokenJenny, helping to bring new HRC use cases to Harmony.
& a helpful hand among the dozens of other micro communities across our ecosystem.
I believe I have embodied the characteristics mentioned above, because it is how I handle my professional life; as a creator of both NFTS and the brand identity of TokenJenny, I believe the true strength of Harmony lies within these communities, and I typically serve them in 13 hour shifts, 7 days a week.
The result has been (while not solely contributed to me by any means) a fostered sense of purpose and poise within the communities I am involved;
I have interacted with hundreds of unique Harmonauts and tried to provide the most helpful information, at every turn (even sometimes in multiple languages!)
My vision for the initial mandates, if elected; would be to establish the values of transparency, responsibility, and accountability as principles upon council decisions.
I am currently and intend to continue working full time within the communities I serve to assist in this goal,
And I appreciate your support/Vote for the initial council.