Community DAO – Payroll December 2021

To be fully transparent, the Community DAO will show all details of payroll for the council Governors every month. Every transaction requires the signature of at least 6 elected governors. :closed_lock_with_key: No single governor can make a transaction by themselves :no_entry_sign: Our timesheets and all transactions are shown below :point_down:

Timesheet December Overview
Timesheet December Detailed

Transaction for @Bricktop_One
Transaction for @BRUNO
Transaction for @freyala
Transaction for @Harmonious_Dude
Transaction for @Krypto_Kakashi
Transaction for @ben2k_Stakeridoo
Transaction for @StrongMindsHold

We use the Harmony Gnosis multi-sig wallet, which is transparent and you are able to add the Wallet in read mode at so that you can monitor it yourself.

Name of Safe: Harmony Community DAO Treasury
Safe address: 0x06937FBaA6c81B89C88d05d2a7e86Ed48f15A755

Owner of the Harmony Community DAO Treasury:
Bricktop_One 0x8F6f89178a94D2ebc921Edee84D8989a5Ac0029b
Bruno Marshall 0x758C8587b5579B9F827A7bcd1c95faC64359e30C
Colin OG Lemurman 0x9dffEed744D408629cE083aDA4228d749B639E10
Freya 0xB0b9A0B9B0FA21AD39835f1671C43EF7A3E57879
GlobeyNFT 0xb337c6372C0cd1feF25385C32c128404450f4871
Harmonious Dude 0x7d91726d37fa9caf6baFDF4a03F3C55642e866b2
Kakashi 0x9a98D5F36B07c2D185e165cf5Fd47dE579155F34
Stakeridoo 0x133763F7d93f2bC4241f9855F71bE5042f020A20
StrongMindsHold 0xd143988234dF9117f4Baa00b5f8D4A56d64e56eA


I had considered running for the governors board at the request of several individuals that thought I could bring fresh ideas to the CDAO. Honestly I don’t know :man_shrugging:t5: how! However they thought different…I decided to join the discord channel and observe the activity specifically looking for Community DAO correspondence. I discovered an abandoned community with one person attempting to address questions about the CDAO and Harmony One future! I must say it is disheartening and discouraging to say the least….I decided to inquiry about what is required of the Governors and how to apply should I decide to run! After a brief explanation for the one person addressing questions in the discord channel I requested some literature and links for historical references and data. I compared the data to the current developments on the Harmony One chain and I must say it is not encouraging. I also examined the 2021-2022 CDAO governance payouts and compared those time frames to the Harmony ecosystem status and sadly I could not find good reason as to why payments during that period mentioned above could not be reflected in the ecosystem of Harmony’s current on-chain results. It’s as if people were paid for titles yet no obligation to bring more growth ie developers, content creators, users etc Harmony is a great platform for various private and institutional use cases however I think it became a Honey Pot…it was also told to me that one of the founders Stephen Tse said there are no foreseeable future plans for the CDAO and that the once public meetings have now become private for the “founders” (I assume). It appears the project has been or is becoming an abandoned ship. I truly hope my words are inaccurate, yet I find it difficult not to ponder. On-chain analytics show all signs pointing to my concerns possibly being “true!” We really don’t have a native wallet, we have No Ledger hardware wallet on or off ramping and unless I’m missing something we have no hardware wallet support of any source. I am only writing this for a response that may elicit renewed inspiration for the CDAO and for Harmony One! The uncomfortable truth is the founding leadership may no longer serve this projects best interest…

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