Community DAO - Payroll January 2022

To be fully transparent, the Community DAO will show all details of payroll for the council Governors every month. Every transaction requires the signature of at least 6 elected governors. :closed_lock_with_key: No single governor can make a transaction by themselves :no_entry_sign: Our timesheets and all transactions are shown below :point_down:

Timesheet January Overview
Timesheet January Detailed
Transaction for @Bricktop_One
Transaction for @BRUNO
Transaction for @Harmonious_Dude
Transaction for @Krypto_Kakashi
Transaction for @ben2k_Stakeridoo
Transaction for @StrongMindsHold

Details of this month’s use of the community approved discretionary budget:
Transaction $200 to @Pikzel for the work completed in setting up the arcade for the ONE Wednesday Community Quest

We used for the Payroll and the discretionary budget the monthly average of ONE/USDT=0.266934247

Also we made two one-time pay out for Stakeridoo for his additional expenses on the Community DAO:
New Snapshot space - Community DAO on Snapshot
Invoice - Transaction $179.36 for setting up the ENS community-dao.eth and connect and set up the new Snapshot

Landing Page Project - Notion Account
Invoice - Transaction $78 for setting up the Notion Account for the Landing Page Project

We use the Harmony Gnosis multi-sig wallet, which is transparent and you are able to add the Wallet in read mode at so that you can monitor it yourself.

Name of Safe: Harmony Community DAO Treasury
Safe address: 0x06937FBaA6c81B89C88d05d2a7e86Ed48f15A755

Owner of the Harmony Community DAO Treasury:
Biznustime 0x67d824574e6feC06758C381521159A3B3b69F744
Bricktop_One 0x8F6f89178a94D2ebc921Edee84D8989a5Ac0029b
Bruno Marshall 0x758C8587b5579B9F827A7bcd1c95faC64359e30C
Harmonious Dude 0x7d91726d37fa9caf6baFDF4a03F3C55642e866b2
Harmony Universe 0x16A872e21050b77E687a32a04bFD9875e42aaeD9
Kakashi 0x9a98D5F36B07c2D185e165cf5Fd47dE579155F34
OneBullValidator 0xD575444d0cFFd10A289509e3Ed93AeE804C0aca3
Stakeridoo 0x133763F7d93f2bC4241f9855F71bE5042f020A20
StrongMindsHold 0xd143988234dF9117f4Baa00b5f8D4A56d64e56eA