To be fully transparent, the Community DAO will show all details of payroll for the council Governors every month. Every transaction requires the signature of at least 6 elected governors. No single governor can make a transaction by themselves
Our timesheets and all transactions are shown below
Timesheet March Overview
Timesheet March Detailed
Transaction for @Bricktop_One
Transaction for @Harmonious_Dude
Transaction for @ben2k_Stakeridoo
Transaction for @StrongMindsHold
Transaction for @ONEBullValidator
Transaction for @Biznustime
Details of this monthβs use of the community approved discretionary budget:
Transaction $250 in ONE at the rate when contest ended to @ Lucifer2042001 for being the winner of a Twitter giveaway on March 3rd
Also we made a one-time pay out for Stakeridoo for his additional expenses on the Community DAO:
MEE6 BOT - Transaction $89.90 fo setting up a lifetime account for the MEE6 Bot for the Discord Server
We used for the Payroll the monthly average of ONE/USDT= 0.14159513
We use the Harmony Gnosis multi-sig wallet, which is transparent and you are able to add the Wallet in read mode at so that you can monitor it yourself. While attempting to distribute March payroll, the multisig became stuck and unable to complete transactions. It took several weeks of working with Harmony contributing developers to resolve the issue. The new Term 3 (Q2) governors were in place by this time, so a new multisig wallet was created with the new council as signatories to avoid potential future issues with the original multisig. The remainder of the treasury in the old wallet was transferred to the new wallet. Transaction
Name of Original Safe: Harmony Community DAO Treasury
Safe address: 0x06937FBaA6c81B89C88d05d2a7e86Ed48f15A755
Name of Newly Created Safe: Harmony Community DAO Treasury
Safe address: 0x4b39B50028d5131E1f8EdC4cbb9998A2aC3F4894
Owners of the Original Harmony Community DAO Treasury:
Biznustime 0x67d824574e6feC06758C381521159A3B3b69F744
Bricktop_One 0x8F6f89178a94D2ebc921Edee84D8989a5Ac0029b
Bruno Marshall 0x758C8587b5579B9F827A7bcd1c95faC64359e30C
Harmonious Dude 0x7d91726d37fa9caf6baFDF4a03F3C55642e866b2
Harmony Universe 0x16A872e21050b77E687a32a04bFD9875e42aaeD9
Kakashi 0x9a98D5F36B07c2D185e165cf5Fd47dE579155F34
OneBullValidator 0xD575444d0cFFd10A289509e3Ed93AeE804C0aca3
Stakeridoo 0x133763F7d93f2bC4241f9855F71bE5042f020A20
StrongMindsHold 0xd143988234dF9117f4Baa00b5f8D4A56d64e56eA
Owners of the Newly Created Harmony Community DAO Treasury:
Access 0x284073Bbdd7d44c697Fd793F66C4b0270Af78920
Al Pal 0xD2EACB491B2fFd95b7ecB8A5E2040b6A07153d0C
Beeks Vybe 0xB954509c305fe02b088E8f55a1210Cc35DFA075F
Bricktop_ONE 0x8F6f89178a94D2ebc921Edee84D8989a5Ac0029b
Harmonious Dude 0x7d91726d37fa9caf6baFDF4a03F3C55642e866b2
Jon Paull 0x5d15252f75AB25fB30818a965B2782F5e93205ba
Peace Love Harmony 0x53d2ae319920Cf1Ea1Ef754e91150d6C356a815d
Phranny 0x8e2b9abF50bC87e59E7Def49ae19371e9698889c
Stakeridoo 0x542422766519CE9cb6D6206b5013FD21b38F02e4