Damo Labs sponsorship & Token Damo promotion grant proposal

Name of Project

[Damo Labs & Token Damo]

Proposal overview

Token Damo is a community media powered by Damo Labs and we are delighted to share with you how we can help grow your audience and acquire more leads with our social media skills.

We are highly interested in the Harmony ecosystem and are very excited about your ambitious visions, especially on your solution to the scalability problems of the existing blockchain world.

With our best wishes for the commercialisation of your decentralized and highly scalable solution, we look forward to working with Harmony and delivering effective, growth-driven results for your campaign.The details of the proposal are as follows,

Our Service for Harmony includes:

  1. AMA in TokenDamo Telegram Group (which will require a Q&A document prepared in advance).
  2. AMA review article post on Medium;
  3. AMA promotion tweet that is pinned for 48 hours.
  4. 2 Harmony AMA posters (one in Chinese and one in English)
  5. An Onepager Overview poster in English
  6. A 7-day RT bounty campaign on Twitter using the Overview poster
  7. A 14 days Quiz bounty on Twitter
  8. Campaign promotion with TokenDamo cooperation partners
  9. Token Damo willing to promote Harmony hacathon on Twitter (Based on mutually determined interests)
  10. Damo Labs willing to sponsor Harmony hackathon(Based on mutually determined interests)

(Decide whether to implement 9.10. based on the hackathon benefits package provided by Harmony.)

Harmony’s Responsibilities

  1. Follow our Twitter account @TokenDamo
  2. Retweet all Harmony-related posts,During the time of this cooperation.
  3. Participate in the AMA event punctually, and assist with the AMA marketing and promotions events.
  4. Provide hackathon sponsors DamoLabs with exposure and publicity-related benefits to Damo Labs&Token Damo

Proposal ask

  1. Q&A rewards for 3-5 people during AMA event, each worth 20USDT Token, for a total of 60-100U.
  2. Expected to use 2,000 USDT equivalents of tokens for the Overview RT bounty campaign, which is rewarded to all users who participated and completed the retweet campaign.
  3. Expected to use 3,000 USDT equivalents of tokens for a quiz bounty campaign reaching 10,000+ users.
    Total: 5100 USDT

Metrics for success

To complete all the above-mentioned promotion events.

Decide whether to implement 9.10. based on the hackathon benefits package provided by Harmony.

Timeline and Implementations

Category Status Date Event
AMA Preparation 2022-04-10 to 2022-04-12 Confirm AMA event time & guest
AMA Preparation 2022-04-10 to 2022-04-12 TokenDamo will design the AMA poster (one in English and one in Chinese)
AMA Preparation 2022-04-10 to 2022-04-15 Prepare Q&A content in advance
AMA Pre-launch 2022-04-14 TokenDamo will post AMA poster on Twitter
AMA Pre-launch 2022-04-14 TokenDamo will pin AMA event on TG group
AMA Start 2022-04-16 16:00 UTC+8 AMA commences in TokenDamo Telegram group
AMA End 2022-04-17 TokenDamo will publish the AMA recap article (that is translated into English) on Medium
Overview Preparation 2022-04-18 to 2022-04-21 Harmony will need to provide related info, especially on issues that you want to be addressed on the overview
Overview Start 2022-04-22 to 2022-05-01 12:00 UTC+8 TokenDamo will start a 7 days overview RT bounty campaign on Twitter
Quiz Preparation 2022-05-07 to 2022-05-10 Poster prep:1. Quiz Bounty posters in both English and Chinese 2. A quiz bounty banner for Google Forms Event prep:1. 7-10 Quiz questions 2. Quiz Bounty
Quiz Start 2022-05-10 to 2022-05-24 12:00 UTC+8 TokenDamo will start a 14 days Quiz Bounty on Twitter
Hackathon TBA Damo Labs sponsor Harmony hackathon(Based on mutually determined interests)
Hackathon TBA Token Damo help to promote Harmony hacathon on Twitter(Based on mutually determined interests)

What Damo Labs can offer:

1.Damo Labs helps projects to apply for grants from leading blockchains and connect projects in different ecosystems.

2.We help projects to network with infrastructure projects such as storage, cross-chain bridges, scaling solutions, etc.

3.Through our community media Token Damo, we provide marketing solutions for projects to achieve widespread outreach in the early stages.

4.Projects can gain access to more funding opportunities as Damo Labs is a member of many investment consortia such as the ZEN Venture Consortium, Octopus Network Accelerator and Dfinityunity etc.

About Token Damo

Token Damo is a community media powered by Damo Labs, serving all crypto enthusiasts around the world through professional data analysis, Onepager, Overview, Onchain Data Analysis, project evaluation, how-to tutorials and many other forms of content.

Token Damo delivers comprehensive marketing support for crypto projects, including Twitter promotion campaign, original content articles, online interviews, event planning service, video analysis etc. We have already partnered with Solana, Flow, Avalanche, Horizen, Harmony, Polygon, IoTex, Arbitrum, Axie Infinity, Aavegotchi, Acala, Alpaca Finance, Bancor, Bonfida, ChainLink, Curve, DODO, DoraFactory, SandBox, Mask Network and hundreds of well-known crypto projects.

  1. 80000+ Twitter followers
  2. 3000+ TG users
  3. 60+ VIP High Net Worth Paid Subscribers
  4. 6000+ Youtube subscribers on [Token Damo]

External links

Website: www.damolabs.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TokenDamo

Telegram: https://t.me/tokendamo

Medium: https://tokendamo.medium.com/