DAO Reporting Discussion

I think the sentiment comes not through a reporting itself it’s may that most don’t see the bigger picture till 2026 with DAO’s and how to take part.

The Validator DAO and Community DAO have reported in here on talk, example

Total agree on this three points and I would even say 4. Deliverables for next month Define deliverables & metrics for next month

For reporting of the treasury I know the official Gnosis can label transactions and give out the report, that would be quite helpfull. Hours we used to far clockify to report and would love to see a inclusion of DeWork and the POA’s of contributions. And a Word Template where you can drop those stuff into and just publish on Talk and DAO’s personal site like Notion would be very helpfull.

Total agree on this point and over those monthly reports a Term report can be done easier :blue_heart: