DaVinci DAO Council Candidate: Doggynelson

Hello! I am Doggynelson, I would like to announce my candidacy to run for DaVinci DAO Council.

Quick Bio: Introduce yourself here - #53 by Doggynelson
DaVinci Page: DaVinci

Ive been a Golden Artist long enough to hit 20x with $VINCI. I am a true believer of Harmony.ONE Protocol and the ecosystem built around it. DaVinci.gallery provides me the opportunity to familiarize myself with Harmony Explorer and how $VINCI categorizes their HRC20 and HRC1155 tokens. Im excited about DaVinci. I try to promote and educate as much as possible: https://doggynelson.music.blog/

In late September, I created a Facebook page: Redirecting.... The idea is to spread knowledge about DaVinci to the growing NFT Community and emphasize that there are options when deciding where to mint NFT Tokens. That FB Page is meant to lead anyone interested to the official social accounts. I’ve met some solid Harmony community members through FB all while promoting DaVinci.gallery.

With this election term, I am excited about the upcoming, “NFT Bridge added inside daVinci (Ethereum to Harmony)”. I understand the importance of this coming Q1 and my goal is to help free up some time/responsibilities for the current council so they can make this bridge transition smooth for DaVinci. I also plan to help give a presence on some other social platforms that maybe haven’t received deserved attention, like Reddit, for example. I am an active member on Discord and Telegram.

I can help:

  • I spent a majority of my professional career in Quality Assurance and Logistics so usually Im right and on time, lol…
  • I also have an account on Twitter to influence and promote Music NFT’s. Follow me @MusicNft.
  • My Photoshop skills aren’t great but I’ll trade LogicPro and Im currently learning Procreate.
  • Ive worked in large datacenter environments, I understand the importance of metadata and its upkeep.

My biggest asset, right now, is time. Im on disability but that’s never stopped me from being a productive member of any community.

Finally, don’t forget to check out my collection presented at, “Van Gogh Gallery” on DaVinci.gallery, for the last two weeks of 2021, December 18 - December 31. Exciting times!

Thank you.
