Harmony Central Ohio DAO

Name of DAO

Ambassador DAO

Proposal overview

We have started the Quinif Family Foundation and will be opening the Utica Development And Resource Center. We will serve our community in many ways but ONE way will be to market and attract artist, web developers, and other creatives to our Center to begin hosting hackathons and promoting Harmony ONE as our ecosystem. We honestly LOVE everything about Harmony including just the brand and what you all stand for.

We have started a funding project based on #NFTGears and put them on DaVinci.

We create just over 10,000 NFTGears.

How much funding do you need? I don’t even know that I need funding. I just need Harmony Community support. What I’m trying to do will benefit Harmony for many years to come. All of our community members will also be turning to use for help on the blockchain and we will be using harmony as much as possible.

I plan on becoming more active in the discord channel when I can but I truly feel I can be of most benefit getting this center put together. Harmony will always be welcome here and we could probably partner up to create A LOT of media attention. “Crypto company” partners with local community to create a Development And Resource Center for the betterment of the community. I did submit a proposal for building naming rights in the past and am very open to that as well.

But I really just need support from community. Please consider adding our project to the discord channel. Please consider promoting us…a little at least on Twitter. Please consider buying a “Honorary Resident” NFT Gear and be the first. If you do that I will call every media outlet in Central Ohio. This area is a hot bed right now for tech with Google, Facebook, & now the largest Intel Chip plant in the world being built about 35 miles away.

Milestone- Our goal is to have our center open within 90 days of obtaining the building. What help do you need, or what gaps are there in your team?

Proposal ask

Purchase a Honorary Resident NFT Gear DaVinci
We do have other options, but this would make the biggest impact.
Add our foundation information to the discord channel.
Promote our foundation on your social media and proudly show off your NFTGear.

Metrics for success

Media story about Harmony ONE and how they are Taking Action in ONE Local Community to help shape it’s future. Open Utica Development And Resource Center by the fall of 2022. Implement first Harmony ONE mentorship program with North Fork Local Schools to start teaching and educating our youth about NFTs, blockchain gaming, etc. Start planning hackathon with harmony community to make this kickoff event a success. We will hold 2-4 hackathons in 2023 if that is still the plan of Harmony. We will work closely with Harmony community and are very transparent with our foundation.

I’m the Mayor of the Village of Utica, Ohio and I’ve been in the web development business since 2010 and know many developers and creatives. I’ve networked and volunteered throughout Central Ohio for 30 years, I know a lot of people and they are offering help. I just launch the “offline” marketing piece to give our community a chance to buy “offline” gears but most of them will not be able to get involved in the NFT gears because lack of knowledge. We truly feel this NFTGear campaign can help get them motivated to get involved in the crypto space.
Together this is easy to do and I will do most if not all the ground work. Please just review everything, ask, me any questions, and put a little trust in me. I’m not a fan of talking about myself, but I do have a proven track record.


James Quinif - Team Lead - Mayor, Web Developer since 2010, Crypto enthusiast, 8 years commercial construction and project management. Volunteer groups include: Utica Merchants Association, Utica Sertoma, Assistant Middle School Basketball Coach, Church Trustee, Parks-N-Recs Committee

Ronald Palmer - Business Development, Web App Chief Technical Officer, Small to Medium Business Startup Specialist

Maddie Stuck - Social Media Coordinator, local events

Jessica Quinif - Q Foundation - Event Coordinator, marketing materials, networking

Hailey Quinif - Q Foundation - Graphics, marketing materials, social media, local events

Hayden Quinif - Q Foundation - Local events, general task, fill-in, & misc.

Holden Quinif - Q Foundation - Local events, general task, fill-in, & misc.

The Entire Village of Utica Area!

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION! You could change an entire community with a little support from the ONE community. Give me a task and I’ll make it work!

External links


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Hello @jcquinif :wave:

Thank you for submitting your proposal for a DAO grant.

I wanted to reach out and let you know that we are reviewing your proposal.

Our review process is fairly straight-forward. All grants come into our pipeline as Uncategorized. Once we have established what sort of grant they are (i.e. Launch Grant, Partnership, DAO, etc) we move them to the In Review stage.

The following stage is Need Info and this is where the community and the Funding Team and/or DAO Operations team asks for further information and makes sure that the proposal is in the proper format. This is usually the stage that takes the longest so, if you are looking to accelerate your grant process, ensuring that your request is in the proper format is the best advice we can give.

Once the proper information is gathered, the proposal moves into the To Approve category where the Funding Team and/or DAO Operations team gathers three "Strong Yes"s for approval.

Once those votes of confidence have been gathered, we announce the approval and request that the grantee fills out the Grant Funding form.

I also encourage you to look at our DAO Funding Guidelines and ensure that your proposal meets the criteria required to be considered for a DAO bootstrap grant. Please note, that because a proposal meets the criteria it does not guarantee approval for funding.

Thank you for your time and interest!

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Thank you very much for your time!

Quick update, my friend:

The Harmony DAO Ops team will resume approvals and funding on May, 1st. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we learn best practices and navigate the proposal process. In the meantime, please take a look at the updated DAO Funding Guidelines.

note: this comment is not an approval of the proposal

Following up on this proposal with another update from Harmony. . .

All approvals and proposals for DAO Bootstrap Funding are still paused. This is a temporary measure. Please do not let this dissuade you and your team from building. Stay tuned for another update regarding DAO Bootstrap Funding :soon:

note: this comment is not an approval of this proposal.

I think it’s probably a bad idea to have literally a whole family act as Dev Govs… 5 family members. James Quinif

Jessica Quinif - Q Foundation - Event Coordinator, marketing materials, networking

Hailey Quinif - Q Foundation - Graphics, marketing materials, social media, local events

Hayden Quinif - Q Foundation - Local events, general task, fill-in, & misc.

Holden Quinif - Q Foundation - Local events, general task, fill-in, & misc.

Well thank you for the feedback.

Hey, @jcquinif :blue_heart:

The Harmony DAO Ops team has decided to decline this proposal.

We have found over the past year of DAO operations that the organizations that don’t start with a large, dedicated community and a goal to fund themselves tend to have very low success rates. They tend to have a hard time recruiting additional community support and tend to bring limited value to the overall Harmony ecosystem.

The bar to receive a DAO bootstrap grant is now higher than it has been historically. In order to receive a bootstrap grant going forward, DAOs will need to evidence a high level of transparent reporting, robust community involvement and a business plan that reflects a commitment to self-funding. Further guidelines are being finalized and should be released in the comming week.

I apologize that this process has been lengthy and drawn-out and I appreciate yours and the DAO’s patience. Harmony and the DAO Ops team wanted to exhaust every option before responding with a declination.

Do not let this dissuade you or your DAOs passion to build on Harmony. Harmony is integrating new tools to help build a robust DAO ecosystem. I’m looking forward to your success.

This thread will be closed.

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