Harmony NFT DAO - Funding Proposal

You know I am so excited to attend this and just keep deepening my own understanding while teaching other too! Happy dance (imagine Snoopy)


Hey team, incredible job to all of you who are working so hard to get this train rollin’! Thanks for including me. I’m just learning how to navigate but am happy to bring what I can to the team. Onward & Upwards!


Looking forward to the vids.


Hello @Ru-MADNFT what’s the best way to contact the NFT DAO, please?

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Our Twitter is the best bet! @harmonynftdao

I tried but no one answered.

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Thanks for joining our telegram group friend! Can’t wait to see what you bring to the table!



Nepotism gonna end Harmony Ecosystem.
They have only 25 members in telegram 158 followers in twitter (less than mine) . Taking 75$ per Month and no output, seriously who funded the DAO?
What governors did for harmony? How many collaboration , how many NFTs artist they bring in harmony? Any detailed report?

Running telegram with 25 members including governors. Last massage on 22 may and before that 6 th may was the last interaction on telegram. Totally dead. Just talking money from harmony no output.

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@frwrdslosh who harmony fund this dao ? No output please stop wasting money.
I am a well wisher of harmony. Please stop funds for those dead DAOs.
Thank you

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@lij @frwrdslosh @nickv Harmony Blockchain Explorer

What is going on with this DAO? Why are they still getting funding. It’s totally inactive.

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Hello and thanks for your reply.

Since we started this DAO we have hosted Harmony NFT workshops in Rio, Kenya and in Denver. We have brought in around 25 Artists so far to the Harmony ecosystem, helping them create wallets and providing education on the chain.

We have constructed new workshop presentations based on feedback from our first workshops. The market crash has made it a difficult time for all DAO’s to maintain their treasuries, especially when advice on paths towards self-sustainability is only now starting to be released. We have only received funding once and have not asked for further funding. We take the minimum suggested amount for our governorship and our treasury remains at 70% of the ONE total we received. In the down market, we have stopped taking money from our treasury when logging hours and have also reduced our hours temporarily.

We have been engaging with other DAOs also to support their NFT growth and I have a call with the Harmony Indonesia NFT DAO tomorrow to help with planning and consultation.

Our social growth has been slow but our telegram also does not reflect our connections made in Rio and Kenya as each workshop has separate group chats due to the language differences. We have also projected less of a presence due to our prior commitments to running socials on our own projects which take priority as they are our main jobs paying us since we have stopped taking from the DAO.

We are patiently waiting for updates from the 1DAO Alliance on the new DAO reporting mechanisms and DAO training that we can utilise to make the Harmony NFT DAO a well-organised machine.

We appreciate your concern for the Harmony ecosystem that we love and we will be more active with updates on our workshop hosting. These are new waters for many DAO’s starting, and with community guidance, we will be able to improve and grow to better help the Harmony Ecosystem.

Honestly, from everything I have been told about MadNFT (the team behind this DAO) it seems that you have put very little time into the DAO. You already have a NFT Marketplace that has no DAO wrapped around it.

Furthermore, I have learned that your marketplace is very well funded.

If you wanted to reach out to 25 artists, why couldn’t you have done it and expensed it as part of your contribution to the community via your NFT Marketplace?

Look at all your milestones that you completely ignored:

  1. “We are moving forward with an outline of our next few steps with the team of governors. The technical/social framework for our governance is nearly complete and up to Harmony’s standards/requirements.”

What happened here? Note, you already got money. So, what did you do regarding these governance issues? Did you do anything at all?

  1. Where are these partnerships you’re talking about in your proposal?

  2. Hosting a handful of NFT workshops is definitely not fair considering the amount of money you received.

So the question is, do you mind giving the money back? You’re a well-funded project. Clearly, you got the funding for this DAO and did very little with it. Give it back and let someone else set up an election and take the reins of the NFT DAO.


So it’s a bit of a misunderstanding that MAD runs the Harmony NFT DAO. We do have 3 govs from MAD who helped draft the initial proposals, but we branched out on our own to do so. Our greatest hope is actually that other major marketplaces on Harmony will take more of a leading role within the organisation. Ideally we believe the community should decide which tools/marketplaces to showcase, & so we support creators across the chain. The 6 other govs have incredible skills too, and they represent different areas across the space; art, education, development.

To be clear MAD has been primarily self-funded since April 2021, & subsequently received funds from Harmony under the “Ports” & “Investments” subsections. MAD has plans to remain incorporated for at least the remainder of 2022. Part of the “Road to DAO” for the MAD roadmap is learning more about effective governance, and adding governance features where it makes the most sense.

Also we do use MAD resources to focus on onboarding and education, tons! You should check out the MADacademy or the bi-weekly Twitter spaces on the topic.

While we love the educational resources available online, including those at MAD & within the CryptoArcade, this DAO seeks to fill a gap with in-person training and events. We were actually able to expand our reach vastly by adding workshops to events and venues that were already occupied by the Harmony community. Ex: Josh in Rio & Kenya, Jacob Jamie & myself in LA. The DAO obviously couldn’t pay for us to travel far or attend major events, but we were able to do so given our current roles & connections within the space. So we feel we have gotten good value for our time input, given some of these were done as add ons to our original plans.

Then on the home front, I’ve personally gave talks & held onboarding sessions nearly every weekend at Denver based web3 events. I end up talking about the whole ecosystem by the end most times; gamefi (DFK, Mars Colony), metaverse, NFTs, DAOs and of course MAD.

You mention governance, which is actually not really a money issue. We have been in most DAOnload Twitter spaces, and have tried every DAO tool as they release. Including; Aragon, commonwealth, dework, and more. We are also currently working with DoDAO to streamline online onboarding tools and have our online workshop mirror our presentation content from the in person workshops.

I really gotta run for now, but last thing I wanted to touch on. When Josh says we have 70% of the funds still, I want to clarify that we never moved our $ONE out of the network or into a stable coin. We strongly believe in the ecosystem. Part of the reason for the pause on outgoing funds on our behalf is the approx 215,000 $ONE remaining in the treasury has dipped in value from over $30k to less then $10k in value at the time of this post. No complaints from us! We just had to go into conservation mode and adjust our plans.

We love that your invested in the ecosystem enough to be critical.

Check out one of the drafts for membership NFTs? This was done by one of our govs and we want to see what the community thinks!

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