HU DAO: Onboard. Activate. Engage

Dear Harmonauts & Validators,

There exists a prolific community of creators historically frustrated by their inability to develop a creator economy. Inviting, onboarding and supporting the best and the brightest of these creators will earn the good will and affinity of the larger community.

HU DAO Labs is an organization of Howard University students and alumni committed to building a sustainable economy to support our culture.

Our thesis for the HU DAO is

  1. Onboard - Onboard community on mission & culture, Provide builders & creatives with the tools needed to go full-time on crypto
  2. Activate - Align incentives between immediate and extended members of community, Bridge generational gaps
  3. Engage - Scale the community’s intangible resources, Reward community’s biggest contributors to culture

About the Community

The HU community is 150 years old. There are 10,000 full time students and over 80,000 living alumni. The extended Howard University family of student parents and close friends is greater than 250,000 people.

Just as there are networks of networks, there are also communities of communities. The HU community just so happens to exercise a tremendous amount of leadership and influence upon the larger, African American community.

However, we have yet to realize the full potential of our reach, largely because the HU community never developed a viable economy to mine our natural resources: creativity and energy. We believe the intersection of Web 3 technology, distributed ownership, and decentralized governance is a perfect storm of opportunity to develop an economy that can transform not only the community, but an entire people.


HU DAO Labs is the core team bootstrapping the HU DAO. Our aspiration is to be the voice that galvanizes our community around crypto, Web 3, and the HU DAO. Our community is hungry for education and eager to Onboard. The interest in Crypto is palpable. People are seeking answers. Our strategy is to earn the trust of our community by being responsive and sensitive to the cultural needs of our niche. We will ultimately form a DAO with the following goals and deliverables:

  1. HU DAO Builder Academy: Spend treasury funds to host speakers and plan larger events and conferences as well as sponsor new courses and educational content.
  2. HU DAO Incubator: Provide creators and builders in the community with seed funding to develop projects that align with the mandate of the DAO
  3. HU DAO Media: Reward bounties to creators producing content and thought leadership targeting our audience on various web3 related concepts and technologies.
  4. HU DAO Governance: Offer incentives for engagement on Snapshot proposals and in quarterly elections

Ask: $100K

Provided these resources, HU DAO Labs will develop the HU DAO from zero to one. We will use the initial funding to activate a minimum viable community, host educational events, sponsor members for intro web 3 courses and sell a collection of NFTs to fund our treasury.

Milestones and Budgets: Dec 1 - March 1, 2021

Success Metrics

Month 1

  • 300 Members In Discord
  • Onboard 300 wallets
  • 100 scholarships for Web 3 Courses
  • Engage 10% of Total Addressable Community via Social Media Channels (25k)

Month 2

  • 600 Members in Discord
  • Onboard 600 wallets
  • 200 Enrolled In Web 3 Intro Courses
  • Engage 30% of Total Addressable Community via Social Media Channels (75k)

Month 3

  • 1K Members in Discord
  • Onboard 1K wallets
  • 500 Enrolled In Web 3 Intro Courses
  • Engage 50% of Total Addressable Community via Social Media Channels (125k)
  • Execute NFT Sale to Fund Treasury


We have a core team of 9 members already actively participating in the development of the HU DAO. This team includes students, alumni, and advisors. This group will represent our 9 governors, 3 from each subset of the community, to bootstrap the DAO and encourage participation from each level of the community.

We are convinced that previous attempts to organize our community have failed due to a lack of transparency. Conversations between students never leave residence halls. Conversations between trustees never leave boardrooms. Conversations between alumni never leave private facebook groups. Siloed engagement has stifled our ability to coordinate and fostered bitterness and distrust between the sub-communities. The HU DAO is committed to sharing information with all members of our DAO. All of our discord channels will be open to all members.

Although governors will have no more authority than any other members of the DAO, we feel it is important to highlight members who are most consistent and active in the governance process. We will use Coordinape as a tool to monitor the effort and passion poured into the DAO from its various members. We will host elections every 3 months. We will encourage, but not require, members to select the most active members of the previous quarter to be the governors in the next quarter.

The HU DAO’s contributors will have a diversity of backgrounds. Aspiring actors will collaborate with retired electrical engineers. First generation college students will coordinate with 5th generation legacies. Our binding characteristic will not be our shared background or identity, but instead our shared commitment to the mandate of the DAO: "Onboard, Activate, Engage".

Additionally, we do not expect our members to have an exclusive relationship with our DAO. We want other communities throughout the Diaspora and throughout the world to follow our lead and also form DAOs that mine their own natural resources. We expect, and encourage, members to fluidly participate in our DAO AND others, resulting in a more decentralized, more harmonious world.


Hello @JohnSlade.dao –
Thank you for putting this together. I know we had a good conversation about a DAO at HU some time ago.

I know that the Ambassador DAO has been picking up some of the work on creating and running local, university centric DAOs, have you been able to connect with them?

As we determine whether or not the Ambassador DAO is covering university DAOs, I would also recommend you look at how the Regional DAOs are performing. You can visit the Join #ONE Regional DAO page to learn more.

In general, their metrics and funding look like the following:

We recommend the following 5 initial deliverables for each regional DAO.

  • $10k for translating
  • $10k for host 2 meetups for 50 people each
  • $10k for partnering with a regional hackathon of 100 developers.
  • $10k for sourcing 5 approved grantees from that language or region.
  • $10k for growing public community to 1,000 active members on Twitter.

We can follow up with some additional clarity soon.



Thank you for the feedback, @Sam!

I will connect with the team behind Ambassador DAO.

I’ve looked at the Regional DAO page. I think its the perfect way for the HU community to get started here in DC. We are working on projects that could help us handle some of those initial deliverables rather quickly.

Who is running point behind this project? Would love to connect with them ASAP!

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hey @JohnSlade.dao sorry for this delayed response!

Let me connect you with @ElixirofLife and @dpagan-harmony for now in regards to the Ambassador DAO.

I am currently running point on the Regional DAO and DAO funding operations. So feel free to ask me any questions.

It’s funny, because we’ve been admiring this proposal for some time. We believe “Campus-Style” DAO’s or Campus DAO’s can do a lot of really good things. Thank you for your unwavering patience.

I will keep this thread open for more dialogue.

Awesome, @frwrdslosh. Great to connect, @ElixirofLife & @dpagan-harmony!

The HU DAO Labs is a relatively new organization, however we have the ear of the 150 year old HU community. We can craft messaging that will excite HU students, alumni and family about a relationship with Harmony, resulting in the long term affinity of a very influential community for the Harmony ecosystem. We will also inform and excite the growing numbers of web3 builders within our community about the Harmony grant program.

Would love to become the Campus DAO you have in mind. Not exactly sure how to get started. Please point us in the right direction!


Hello, @JohnSlade.dao !

I would like to deliver a brief update from Harmony.

All approvals and proposals for DAO Bootstrap Funding is still paused. This is a temporary measure. Please do not let this dissuade you and your team from building.

note: this comment is not an approval of this proposal

Hello @JohnSlade.dao

The Harmony DAO Ops team has decided to decline this proposal.

We have found over the past year of DAO operations that the organizations that don’t start with a large, dedicated community and a goal to fund themselves tend to have very low success rates. They tend to have a hard time recruiting additional community support and tend to bring limited value to the overall Harmony ecosystem.

The bar to receive a DAO bootstrap grant is now higher than it has been historically. In order to receive a bootstrap grant going forward, DAOs will need to evidence a high level of transparent reporting, robust community involvement and a business plan that reflects a commitment to self-funding. Further guidelines are being finalized and should be released in the coming week.

I apologize that this process has been lengthy and drawn-out and I appreciate yours and the DAOs patience. Harmony and the DAO Ops team wanted to exhaust every option before responding with a declination.

Do not let this dissuade you or your DAOs passion to build on Harmony. Harmony is integrating new tools to help build a robust DAO ecosystem. I’m looking forward to your success.

This thread will be closed.

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