I love reading each funding proposals and the comments within the topic, but recently I noticed that most of these proposals are being raided by new users who registered recently and post low-effort shills on comments. It makes it difficult for me to track legit feedback/questions from the community.
An example of this is Leonicorn Swap’s post. Their post were made 22 hours ago but then there’s 86 comments as of this moment, most of them low-effort comments that doesn’t help at all.
- We need auto-moderation for these users who just recently signed up, maybe restrict them from posting comments within 24 hours.
- Have an option to filter out comments from new users
- Filter to view Harmony team’s responses within the topic
These are some of my ideas, let me know what you think and if you’ve encountered these kinds of threads recently as well. Thanks.
Another example of this is Labor Guild Games (LGG)
why are you so unfriendly to LGG?
why are you so hostile to newcomers?
when you are new to the blockchain or to Harmony, do you wanna meet such an unfriendly “leader”?
I am not unfriendly to LGG (you’re not even my main example). I am against posts that promote bot and inorganic accounts I am raising a valid concern here and you’re the one who’s being hostile against me 
Hi first of all we are already established exchange and we have running and working product also we have big communities on social media’s. We just shared this proposal with communities also and we never expected we will get so much support and love from our communities. Thank you mate.
Beside i want to add another point we are funded heavily for our dex on BSC. We raised nearly 4.5M usd for building a full functional dex. And so far we never break our promises and keep delivering every single months. Thank you mate.