Hey Harmonauts 
I believe that it’s time for me to weigh in on the conversation here a little seeing as it directly involves me and my current team.
Please allow me to take this time to explain some things and why we are even doing this at this stage, because right now we need YOU.
The C-OPS Team is something I started to put together at the end of last year, prior to that the entire community really resided on telegram (though since weve grown into a massive multiple community system), we had around 12k users at that time and answering all the users questions around the clock became a task I could simply no longer undertake alone.
I needed to find help urgently to support not only all the users but also myself having spent many sleepless nights assisting users with their issues, helping them setup validators, and generally hosting the channel, though some of the questions were becoming repetitive I had the idea that I could build a bot to assist me on telegram and with that I started to build out WolfBot who many of you use in the channel now daily.
That was simply not enough and we found ourselves once again overwhelmed with issues and support to users once again, and upon speaking with the rest of the Harmony Core Team we decided I needed to find some real help in order to continue offering the level of support that had by now come to be expected.
I found Dragon or rather Stephen Tse did and we got along really well - he was able to cover my sleep time and was extremely necessary, though as we continued to do what we wanted (grow the channel and the harmony brand) we continued to increase the number of issues at the same time that needed support, at that time many users were needing assistance with building validators and the bridge had just been introduced, hence I bought Kratos in because he could help users build validators and Elbow for bridge support.
Sadly due to lack of funding Elbow is no longer with us and has since been replaced by Mando who is a replacement we are lucky to have.
So who are the C-OPS ?
I’m the Community Manager for Harmony and manage the C-OPS team, from training and etiquette, to hiring and firing - I’m fully responsible for the entire team as a whole - when I’m not managing the team, I’m on the front line in the channel offering help and advice, I am and always have been available to users all day every day 7 days a week, I currently cover 6am - 10pm each day, I’m also responsible for making sure the channel has things to offer such as AMAs - this involves a level of planning and co-ordination and we currently have 2 or so per week in the channel, especially while we are highlighting the ecosystem. I also maintain the robots of the channel adding information to them as necessary. On the whole my job is to make sure that when a question is asked it gets an answer almost immediately, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dragon is my right hand man, he goes above and beyond the call of duty every day to make the community a better place, not just on telegram but he is largely responsible and in charge of Discord too.
Operating similar hours to me but on the EST time zone, he covers my downtime daily and allows is to operate at any hour of the day. If I listed just ONE of his tasks it would be bridge support where I have seen him spend 8 hours a day assisting users. His other tasks involve running the community store, and offering swag and accompanying initiatives and giveaways for us.
Being the first official C-OPS admin Kratos has been instrumental in freeing us up to perform other tasks for the community and all the initiatives you see around you such as validator spotlights and ecosystem AMAs wouldn’t be possible without Kratos and his support towards the community as a whole. Offering as many waking hours as is possible he not only supports the users in the channel but is constantly curating the latest news and information from harmony and putting it all in ONE place for you all to see - you won’t miss much while he’s around. We currently mainly rely on Kratos for Social Media Exposure of the community - his account and his many followers continue to grow on a daily basis and for that reason we chose Internally for Kratos to focus on being our Social Media Manager for C-OPS and the community as a whole.
When a message needs to be spread far and wide - Kratos will deliver the message
Last but certainly not least we have Mando, the newest addition to the team, you will no doubt have seen him literally everywhere, responsible for ONEChain amongst other things, he is extremely passionate about Harmony and has helped many users long before he was appointed to the C-OPS team.
Mando specialises in 2 key areas for the community, besides supporting the users daily in as many channels as he can, and they are:
• Graphic Design : he is responsible for some amazing graphics and videos that have been seen in the community including his most recent work on the bridge map image - he will continue to produce many of the community images you will see for upcoming events and announcements - keep an eyes out for these
• Event Organisation : Mando is a natural negotiator and facilitator, he is currently organising events for the ecosystem projects to give them a boost in advertising and to bring us to their users and their users to us.
Believe me when I say the above is literally not even 10% of what we do around here.
Now for the fun part ……
All day every day - come rain or shine, there is always someone available to ask a question to …… those people you ask questions to are trusted people, in a VERIFIED channel, there you can feel safe and rest assured you’re talking to an authorised individual who is able to help.
We do all of the above and so much more for the community and we do it WITHOUT FUNDING.
So these guys aren’t getting paid at all currently, I and many others simply think this is unfair and cannot continue, we wish for this team to grow along with the community, not be held back by financial restraints, they have a lot of ideas for fun things to really engage the community with older users and new users alike in mind.
We want to continue to offer the same lighting fast support that the users have come to expect from the team daily, and now we need your support to keep it alive.
Though we largely reside on Telegram and will always ask users to join us there for support first (thats mostly because they can feel safe there in a verified channel speaking with the C-OPS team) its not our only focus.
As the Community Operations team we have already undertaken Discord and the maintenance of the servers there under our wing.
Our Team will always try to help on all social platforms that they can and we also, with funding, aim to bring more members into the C-OPS team and have some level of support on each being offered daily.
Currently offering round the clock support on Telegram and Discord, we also plan to use instagram more, add a facebook account, and even TikTok and YouTube for support videos we plan to make, and so now it falls to the community…
I’m sure theres TONS of things ive missed already and ill add / edit this again BUT
Do we bring enough value as a team to Harmony to warrant our existence ?
Have you ever received help or assistance in the channel ? if so then you’ll know how important we are to the users each day.
Personally ? I think the answer is yes, of all the things Harmony may issue a grant for this year, this is definitely ONE of the most important things a user will make use of at some point in their Harmony journey.
You may not need us right now, but when you do we will be there for you 