Hello All!
My name is M***** and I usually go by the name “MartinDoc” in the blockchain/meta verse. I’ve been in the blockchain industry for around 2 years now and damn I’ve seen some crazy ups and downs throughout these last 2 years. I’m an avid blockchain (topic) reader because man I want everything to be decentralised. In past I’ve built a VR/AR service startup, got acquihired by a company. Since then working with the same firm helping people get their products built in Blockchain and AI.
I’m funny (I think I am because my colleagues say so) | People call me meme lord | I can design (Logo, Posters, Apps, dApps… you name it) | Marketing - Sales - Partnership (That’s my MSP or should I say Minimum Skills Provided)
1. What will be your role in the INDIA DAO and how do you plan to advance its mission?
Frankly speaking, I really don’t know! I bring MSP to the table so that’s there! All I know is that Harmony is one protocol that has a lot to offer and I’ll do my part of propagating it within the crazy crypto community of India.
2. How do you organize, plan, and prioritize your work?
Step 1: Plan (Day/Week/Month)
Step 2: List all the tasks
Step 3: Mark the ones that need high attention (high priority) and the ones I will definitely procrastinate (These tasks are called Frogs - from the book Eat that frog)
Step 4: Eat that frog
3. Why are you the best person for a role on the INDIA DAO council?
Because I’m amazing!
Okay, jokes aside. I’d restate again that Harmony is a protocol that offers a lot be it for users, investors, developers and others. Also, Indian’s become the best people to accept the offerings as we Indians love exciting offers and I’ll share everything, Harmony can/cannot give to Indian Janta (Janta - meaning of public in Hindi) eventually onboarding them to the Harmony protocol.
Name reveal if I become part of the INDIA DAO
Social link:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrudulgole
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Hello @martindoc Good to see your Candidacy Post.
Kindly add your social links too : Twitter or Linkedin.
Hello Martin…
While I see that you have put in your candidacy as a governor for Harmony India DAO, I’ve got to say that the proposal is ill-written and without any clear objective as you’ve not demonstrated what is it that you plan to do!
The blockchain and crypto industry came up with the concept of equal opportunity for all. Whereas your candidacy post is absolutely misogynistic and hurtful towards women! The behavior is definitely not suitable of a governor, let alone a Governor representing a Blockchain like Harmony Protocol which is trying to induct women in its ranks.
I hope you get the message. Thank you
Hello @martindoc , this is a Reminder post, we need your social handles, so that we can move forward
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Hello @martindoc we will wait for next 2 hour, if we didn’t get your social media handles, we will disqualify your candidacy post
what we believe in our DAO Structure is Transperancy and work experience.
Hello Shalini!
Point 1 - I’ve mentioned MSP (Marketing - Sales - Partnerships), since term 1 already had members. It felt members of the community would suggest where they need the most help which would align with my skills. You think It’s ill-written, I think it’s unconventional. But feedback/opinion is well received.
Point 2 - I feel it is not. The only place I mentioned “That’s what she” came from a very popular series The office. But considering that jokes are not allowed I’ve removed it.
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Hello @Priyank_Gupta!
Thank you for notifying me. Although I’ve updated the social link, it was not asked in the original post that was shared. It was only 17 hours ago the change was made to the original post hence, to keep it fair I request at least 1 day of time should be given for all the candidates to update their posts.
Hello @martindoc
Thanks for the update. All others candidates updated the social handles already, only one left. As we mentioned already the election date from 20th April to 22th April, we can’t delay for 1 day . So not a issue we will go with all candidacy post, no one left !
Election will live soon.