Launch - CharmVerse - all-in-one productivity workspace for DAOs

Name of Project


Proposal overview

CharmVerse is building a web 3 native, all-in-one workspace for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). We seek to become THE productivity platform for DAOs.

Within a short year, DAOs have gone from being relatively unknown to having a collective treasury of billions of dollars ($7.7B according to DeepDAO, Feb 25) and getting mentioned in Jimmy Kimmel Live! Some estimate that DAOs will eventually be as large as 25% of traditional corporations.

DAOs represent a new and decentralized way to coordinate capital and people’s time and effort. Harmony will help to get new DAOs started. When it comes to getting work done once the DAOs are established, contributors are stuck with a combination of web 2 tools and manual work, ill-fitted for the unique nature of DAOs.

CharmVerse is building an all-in-one platform that facilitates day-to-day work, reputations, and transactions within and across DAOs. Our platform offers collaboration features like wiki, task management, and project tracking. Though where we shine is when collaboration meets the blockchains, addressing DAO-specific use cases.

We are designing for decentralized access control in a world where connected wallets and token memberships are first class citizens. The only way to log into CharmVerse is through a wallet. Access to the whole/partial workspace can be controlled by a combination of NFTs/tokens in the contributor’s wallet.

We focus on the interaction between work and transactions. Within a DAO, we facilitate the creation, application, tracking and payments of bounty tasks. We streamline the process into a single workflow in our platform while integrating with our users’ payment system of choice. To increase transparency, we will provide reporting and analytics for the various transactions that go through our platform.

Finally, to help core contributors in evaluating newcomers and encourage contributors in honoring their commitments, CharmVerse will create profiles for each contributor. These profiles will bring together on-chain and off-chain elements to form the users’ web3 resume.


Our target audience is new DAOs with initial traction, ready to graduate from only having a Discord server. To reach them, we need to be where they learn about the ecosystem. We look to serve and partner with as many grant DAOs, education DAOs/sites, DAO-in-a-box platforms and web3 marketplaces as possible. To encourage initial adoption, we are launching a set of genesis NFTs to reward early adopters. Further down the road, we are looking to launch a token in order to reward users as well as to encourage users to switch from Notion to CharmVerse. We are starting alpha trials with some larger DAOs as well as accepting individual users.

We are looking for Harmony’s support in reaching these DAOs.

##Product Development

The product is currently in a fully functional closed alpha. In addition to the many productivity-related features, it supports token/NFT gating capabilities on Ethereum, Polygon and xDai. Users can pay out bounties in Eth, Matics, and xDai. We are looking to bring the token-gating and bounty payment functionalities to Harmony.


Alex Poon

Alex is responsible for growth, product and BD at CharmVerse. He is a 3X founder. Prior to CharmVerse, he co-founded, an AI-powered personal assistant (raised $45M, exit), and Visual Revenue, a real-time predictive analytics platform for editorial teams (exit). He holds a patent on a content placement algorithm. Earlier in his career, as an engineer at Lockheed Martin, he built software for unmanned aerial vehicles.

Matt Casey

Matt is responsible for tech and product at CharmVerse. He co-founded with Alex and has been working with Alex since 2012, across 3 companies. As the CTO of, he architected and built the initial product and scaled it to the company’s exit. Prior to CharmVerse, he taught himself solidity, wrote smart contracts, minted, and sold a set of NFTs.

Proposal ask


$10K after launching token-gate on Harmony testnet
$10K after launching bounty payment on Harmony testnet
$10K after launching on token-gate & bounty payment on mainnet
$10K after 100 workspaces (DAOs) are created (with launch video, full PR promotion)
$10K after 500 workspaces (DAOs) are created

Metrics for success

  1. Number of workspace/DAO signups
  2. Number of pages/database created in workspace

External links

Discord: CharmVerse
Product Demo:


@frwrdslosh Please take a look when you get a moment.

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I would like to approve this proposal for the DAO Tooling grant. :blue_heart: :rocket:

Thank you, CharmVerse!

@DevinMarty @lij

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We are thrilled to be building with Harmony! Thank you @frwrdslosh @DevinMarty

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Charmverse shows a lot of promise to deliver tools needed for the sucess of DAOs. Charmverse has a strong team to deliver new tools as DAOs continue to evolve and expand. Very excited to see what the future holds for Charmverse and DAOs.

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@frwrdslosh @DevinMarty We are making progress and have fulfilled some of the milestones outlined in the proposal. How can we report progress to you and how do we unlock the funds? What are the next steps?

Please update under this thread which milestones have been accomplished and tag either myself or @DevinMarty


Milestone 1 2 & 3 achieved. Bounty payments and token-gating in CharmVerse now support Harmony. @frwrdslosh


Screenshot of token-gating with Harmony ONE


@frwrdslosh @DevinMarty Any updates on when the funds for Milestone 1-3 will be released?


@alexpoon_hk you doing an awesome Job, the @HarmonyCommunityDAO is more than glad to have Charmverse as a DAO Tool :blue_heart:
And you fixed a lot of bugs in the last days/hours, great to see your team working so hard

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Hey @alexpoon_hk

I want to clarify how Harmony will be releasing funds. The first 3 have been approved.

Please create a 3-out-of-5 multisig at and Harmony can send out the first payment. The Charmverse team and Harmony community can make up the signatories. @ben2k_Stakeridoo @HarmonyCommunityDAO

Reach out if you have any questions. :blue_heart:


Hey @frwrdslosh Just created the multisig and submitted 3 DAO Funding forms with invoices attached.

Sorry I accidentally submitted a couple of forms without the invoices.

Please send funds to

Wallet address: one1c465x990hk4w9dqka92chdc9eucwv22045hpxt

milestone 1 funded: 0x973e3d20d46781a813b98200edf387441829992d47b9bcf67059b0d478b66fef

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