Lost my USDT with a internal transfer in Metamask, Please help

Hi Can someone please help. I transferred USDT from one account to another within the same metamask account and I can’t find the money. What have I done? Please help!!

Did you add the usdt token address in the new wallet account?

First of all you must add the USDT token by his contract to check if you have send it well

  • Harmony mainnet contract: 0x3c2b8be99c50593081eaa2a724f0b8285f5aba8f
    If u still having issues, contact me again.

Oh my, you’re a legend. his worked? Just so I learn, how did you find this contract address? I added a USDT token but it looks like the wrong one. (I feel silly)


Thanks for reaching out.

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In coingecko or coinmarketcap websites! There u can find a lot of information about tokens and coins!
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