Lost wallet funds - chrome extension

Large account holders are being targets by an attacking party or parties. Ready the full briefing.

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I wonder if the points if raised up has something to do with it and also I wonder if some of the points will be fixed? Never got a Feedback on my observations

Can you please explain how the funds was stolen from staked pools.
It takes week to unstake.
Is it compromised from the staking pool directly?
What devs did not indicate this before. It take long time to unstake.

Thank you

Please read the Article, it was not stolen from staked pools directly! There are also people around who not checking their balance every day.
“We have received reports from five (5) individuals who stated their funds had been transferred from their wallets without knowledge.”

Was it stolen from One Wallet or Metamask?

We have received reports from five (5) individuals who stated their funds had been transferred from their wallets without knowledge. For those whose funds were staked, their ONE appears to have been undelegated by an unauthorized individual before being transferred to another address outside the control of the original holder.

How to get in touch with Devs?

If you have any information related to these events, please contact the Harmony team at security@harmony.one. We will keep you updated as additional information becomes available.

Never had any problems to speak to Devs on other platform including Cardano.
Do you know how to get in touch with Dev s regarding other Harmony questions including Security. BTC bridge and permanent congested Mainnet?

There is the @harmony_dev_dao you can check the Governors here: Developer DAO new governors approved

Also check out the Team under: Team Bio & Founding Story

And you have the possibilty to open here a new Topic or even write it down here and ask your question’s

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The best way to reach harmony devs is using their discord: Harmony

If you have any general dev related questions or want to get into dev on harmony, you can join the dev DAO discord: https://discord.gg/MswWavU228

Wow. Finally…
Many thanks!