Mini Utopia project

Name of Project / DAO / Company
Mini Utopia

Application type
Product Launch

Proposal overview
Mini Utopia is an NFT Eco-System.
It provides first-of-its-kind benefits to both owners and the community voters.
It’s the first and only platform designed to use a Voting System to Determine the Price of an NFT Not the Creators determining the price. This virtually eliminates the risk of impermanent loss to NFT Buyers.
For voters, Mini Utopia is the only DeFi protocol that can allow Voters to earn Incentives for participating in the ecosystem which lowers liquidation risk…

We are requesting $40K in equity-free contribution: $10K after launching the token , $10K after mainnet launch, $10K after forming a DAO for our community, and $10K for after 10K users. As well as funding, we are looking for Harmony’s help with product development, fundraising, and talent recruit.

We are a team of 1 developers and 1 designer and we are confident that our project, combined with Harmony’s fast and cost-effective ecosystem will be a huge success and very popular among the Harmony community.

Our milestones are:
Weeks 1-3: token contract complete and deployed onto mainnet
Weeks 3-5: Give access to Harmony community to give feedback
Weeks: 5-6: Deploy to mainnet and ramp up marketing efforts
First month after launch: Form DAO
Second month: Acquire 10k new users

Proposal ask

Metrics for success
10k users and $1m in transactions in the first 3 months

External links

hi @faithful1ofall appreciate your detailed docs and great to see your community growing! Glad to see you have the milestones and metrics for success covered.


  • Can you describe the background of your team a little more in-depth? Experience levels, past involvements in blockchain dev, full/part-time, etc.
  • Why $10K per launch (it’s an example/guideline) and what are the funds going to be used for?
  • How are you planning to fund for audits?
  • Which repos are you going to fork from, if any?
  • Why the focus on tokenomics at this early stage?


Thanks for the response.

we have been in the blockchain world for over 4 years now and we love games and it’s technology.
and we are productive in our designing and development skills
we even intend on developing in the future Games and will work under the miniutopia DAO.

THE 10K IS to ensure sufficient Provision for the marketing boost (for the NFTs and Token) and liquidity (for the Token).

currently we have passed free audits and we plan to perform a full audit and run a bounty program in other to ensure no bugs and we plan to perform that after 10k users Milestone.

we will be forking yearnfinance (governance and voting tech) and pancakeswap (loterry and nfts collectibles) GitHub. but there will be alot of modifications because we are not similar

tokenomics is your distribution schedule and we still willing to adjust the tokenomics and build a bigger community.

and if we are granted we will love to perform an airdrop to validators of of the Harmony network to boost network validators.

moved this to “Launches” track.

@faithful1ofall we’d like to see a prototype of this, a team that’s behind this concept, and some product validation from community members and/or users. For those reasons, we would like to invite you back after at least 3 months for you to demonstrate the transition from concept to an experimental prototype.

Thank you for choosing Harmony. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.

See Apply for Grants or DAO

Applications of each launch must have prototyped a feature-full product. Harmony helps incubate these founding teams with product development, fundraising, and talent recruit

This topic was automatically opened after 29 hours.

Hi good day i will love to inform you that our project has achieved so much within the most currently we have our tokens traded on oneswap and have pur NFT Marketplace running and active we are more looking forward to scale up in marketing and AMA Events. I will still love to know if the grant will still be avaliable. Thanks.

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