Niftmint - NFTs for Brands on their channels

Hi there:

Can you share a video doing all the steps working so we can replicate it, please?
Therefore we could see the Milestones concluded.

Thank you!

Hi all! Lots of exciting news for the Harmony community, so please forgive the length of message :grin::grin:

We’ve been working INCREDIBLY hard to get product together, build as we sell, sell as we build - get revenue to sell new features, sell new features to get revenue, the startup life.

Our sister company, TF Labs, had their big bi-annual conference here in Seattle this week. As part of our ‘mint-view-custody-transfer’ process, we utilized the Niftmint application to facilitate providing Conference Attendance NFTs to all attendees. Not only this, but we added functionality to create Conference Attendance NFTs for all previous events. This way, when users sign up and create their account, the appropriate NFTs are minted for them, representing all past and present conference attendances. These NFTs are then assigned to the user, so they are all visible in the Niftmint custodial wallet. Then, if the user chooses, they can leave their NFTs in their custodial wallet and keep receiving/viewing NFTs from events/actions/whatever future items might earn/unlock them NFTs, or they can trasnfer them out to their own personal wallets as they’re unlocked. The blockchain-interaction levels are all built on top of Harmony.

Below are examples from 1Wallet and Metamask appropriately displaying all 6 Harmony-based Conference Attendance NFTs:

1Wallet NFT Tracker/Display

Metamask Harmony NFT Demonstration

Alongside all of this, we’ve built in token gating functionality that works with for both custodial and non-custodial users of Niftmint, and are standing up the private, token gated telegram community for exclusive TF Conference, Event, and Membership bonuses to holders of the TF Conference NFTs.

Users are slowly beginning to claim their conference NFTs (as the conference ended on Wednesday), and the NFTs are being minted live as the users create their accounts.

Below is a demonstration of the Niftmint web application for the TF Conference. In this video, the user has earned all 6 Conference Attendance NFTs, as they’ve attended all 6 conferences. If they only attended the 6th conference, they would only have the 6th Conference Attendance NFT in their custodial wallet. If they attended the 2nd and 5th, they’d have the 2nd and 5th NFTs in their custodial wallet, and so on.

@Jacksteroo, @cheualx, @jbeltran - If you would like to experience this process yourselves, please let me know. Once you sign up for an account, I’ll whitelist attribution of all 6 conference NFTs (or whatever ones you would like attributed), and initiate the mint-custody-view process for your accounts. This process is more automated for the users that purchased tickets to the conference/attended. The only caveat being I will remove the functionality of transferring the NFTs out of our custodial wallet (since this is a demonstration for you, and the NFTs weren’t actually earned via Conference Attendance)

At this point, we’d like to claim the first 2 milestones of the grant. We’re continuing to work with brands and bring the eCommerce integration fully live on branded websites - the rate determining step here is brands fully committing to selling some level of NFTs on their website (the application has been live for Conferences and giveaways, and we do have both fiat and crypto-based payment functionality for the application once an organization wants to start ‘selling’ the NFTs).

Glad to have succeeded in the first major steps of what we’re building and bringing to the Harmony community, and we hope you’re all as excited about these developments as we are!

Onwards and upwards.

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Hey @Jacksteroo @jbeltran @cheualx, just following up on the earlier post.

One big movement we’re making as we’re continuing to grow is extending the product offering suite to conferences ( for the white-gloved (and potentially white-labeled, depending on entity) conference attendance NFTs, including

  • Retroactive attribution of NFTs to previous event attendees
  • Attribution for new event attendees
  • Token gating functionality
  • Mint/custody/transfer flow of Niftmint.

We’d love to connect re: the milestones that have been completed, as well as look to any future/forthcoming conferencecs or events for Harmony where this integration would be of use/interest.

Thank you again for all that you do! Glad to be at a point where we’re starting to deliver on the value for the Harmony community.



Hey @Jacksteroo and @cheualx,

Find the open repo for the ecommerce inventory management smart contract we’ll be deploying in short order on BigCommerce → GitHub - Niftmint/Niftmint-Harmony-Contract: This repo contains the Niftmint's smart contract for inventory management deployed to harmony.

Hoping to hear back from the comarketing team soon, and please let us know next steps on providing a wallet for grant funding!

Funded #1 & #2: 0xe193b4636a343fcfa59f303aaa1f98fa571a8bcd09a3319093ebbaadcc9ee3e9

Milestone 1 | Test Net
Writing and deploying smart contracts on test-net to support 10K+ NFTs
During this period we will write the smart contract and architect to be able to create high volume batches of NFTs to support customer needs of high volume sales and attributing to customer ID
Timeline: 30 Days

Milestone 2 | Main Net
Writing and deploying smart contracts on main-net to support 10K+ NFTs, plus the ability to add new NFT or repurpose smart contract for new high volume NFT contracts
Timeline: 14 Days

Milestone 3 | API smart contract deployment via eCommerce integration
Our customers sell products on their websites. With this last milestone when a customer of the brand purchases an NFT on the eCommerce website we will create the NFT at that moment via API and attribute to the customer.
Timeline: 30 Days


Hey all,

Just quick update, we’re gearing up to launch our BigCommerce integration any day now, just tightening up the last small bugs. This will exist as an app in the BigCommerce store, allowing Brands to install the app (like they do any other app - loyalty, email management, coupons, last mile delivery, payment processing, etc) and begin offering NFTs as product on their website in the native shopping and checkout flow.

In tandem with launching on the store, we’ll be launching our own Niftmint store to showcase for 3rd parties how it looks from both a Brand and Consumer experience, so all in all, really happy to be here at the launching point.

Will follow up when the app is launched (when Brands can start selling NFTs on their platforms), and when the Niftmint store is live with Harmony-based NFTs!

Been a long journey, but glad we’re finally at the finish line (or starting line, moreover :wink: )