On-site March 9, 2022

Here are some highlights from our on-site meeting on March 9, 2022:

Blue Metaverse

  • This is a priority launch.

  • Currently owned by Stephen.

Reports - DAO and Other Team Initiatives

  • Think “open development” for everything.

  • Think of our reports as living, breathing documents.

  • Public-facing articles / recaps of our events, such as ETH Denver, should be published within 48 hours after end of event. Moving forward, let’s plan when these articles will be published in advance of the event.

Monthly Deliverables: Measuring Success vs Failure

  • Primarily for transparency with our teammates

  • Keeping everyone informed about our primary objectives.

  • This is a TLDR of our focus for the month.

Harmony Events - Who is our PoC?

  • No current single PoC, defaulting PoC role to Li. Unsustainable.

  • We have people at the execution level but not yet ownership.

  • Will come back to this.

Marketing Strategy

  • Currently lacking product manager & campaign marketing lead.

  • Need product manager and product marketing manager.

  • Building product vs maintaining product.

  • Giv will be owning all Harmony products (surprise, Giv!).

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