Pangaea Update - 14th August


We would like to thank you all for the great interest for Pangaea. We are incredibly happy with the sheer number of people showing interest in running a blockchain node, and creating such a collaborative community.

We would like to share the latest stats in Pangaea sign-ups and share the next steps for each user group (You can see the numbers and the user groups in the chart below ). Currently, 800 keys are all downloaded and roughly 50% of these nodes are still waiting to be setup. After the competition started in 15th Aug 00:00 UTC , pending nodes (group #4) will have 48 hours to set up their nodes. On 19th Aug , we will announce the winners in the waitlist (group #3) who will be given new keys.

Please don’t forget that Pangaea is a long-term competition , and we are working very hard to involve as many participants as possible. That’s why we decided to share the breakdown on all participants’ progress, so that you can all get a sense of the big picture.

You can check with us by sending an email at to clarify which user group you currently belong to. Please allow us some time to find ways to streamline this process, we promise that it will get better :slight_smile:

Please join the conversation in our Harmony-Pangaean s telegram chat and #Pangaea discord channel.

Thanks for being part of Pangaea again!

Pangaea by Harmony