Platform for competitive e-sports

E-sports Platform


Proposal overview

[we are a platform for e-sports event organisers, using blockchain, we automate entries and rewards, the event organiser move their usual event to our platform and educate their public about wallet, cryptocurrency and its vantage, educating new users to the ecosystem, we partner with streamers and champions to play using our platform, we have a unique interaction between players and their fans and viewers, using staking to participate, product is already launched, now liquidity is a must using ONE and EQ9 for event entries will create demand for both tokens,]

Proposal ask


Metrics for success

[we won a legal licensed for our token from our SEC here in Brasil, declaring our token as non security, after launched with one game, we had 800 plus users and 11M tokens staked]

External links

[ and
Token EQ9 Harmony Blockchain Explorer ]

Thank you for submitting a proposal to Harmony’s $300M Ecosystem Fund. We are in the process of reviewing your proposal and will assign a representative on behalf of the Grants Ops team.

We would also love :blue_heart: to have the Harmony community participate to ask questions and provide feedbacks.

If you have more details to add, please do so by replying to this thread.

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Thank you very much, for taking the time to review, it means a lot to our team and users

We got proposals for Market Making, one is a big player in the industry, partnering with Harmony could also help close this deal and have EQ9 listed in many exchanges and DEX as possible

Also EqualsSport final version, it’s a beauty

Thank you for your grant proposal. After review, we don’t see this as a good fit right now. Thanks for considering Harmony.