- Awareness tool to showcase our unique validator community.
- First step of curating a dedicated and integral validator-delegator ecosystem.
- Highlight individual validators and encourage more participation / promotion.
For delegators to have a place to discuss validators’ information, the value of social features is as important as the information itself.
Validator Spotlight 1.0
As a blockchain of humans, we launched the first Validator Spotlight campaign 2 months ago. 20 Pangaean validators on 4 continents shared their stories with our 71.4K followers on twitter. This first batch Harmonauts epitomize our community who have been with us through Pangaea Phase 1/2/3 towards launch.
Kudos. Apparently, this is also an indicator of trustworthiness as a mainnet validator:
Staking4All- Shez is the creator of several products on Harmony One that includes:
→ Validator Bot @HarmonyOne_ValidatorBot🤖 which provides real-time feedback on the status of your node and the network.
→ A tipping & wallet bot @Wallet4AllBotthat the community can use to tip any helpful Harmony One community member.
→ A gamethat all Harmony One community members can enjoy at this link.
Chainnode Tech-Chainode Tech - P-OPS. Foundational Node. Ionut is the creator of the Staking Manager bot @HarmonyStakingMngBot which monitors staker stats, validator stats, and network status. Check his #ONEweek social campaign on Twitter with weekly news happening in the Harmony Ecosystem.
HarmonyNew.one 🧟♂️🇺🇸 - writer of HarmonyNews.one. MA History student in Netherland. Crypto Enthusiast.
Total Harmony
- Loving father. Foundational Node. Run barefoot. Father of five. Entrepreneur importing wireless network gear. Into crypto and Linux.
Harmony Community Node- Ogre is the first validator in the campaign. Field support engineer for emerging tech. Satish, another runner of the node, is the creator of the amazing Harmony Validator APP, also the first staking APP on harmony.
Sesameseed not an individual validator but a unified staking community focused on providing delegators an easy way to earn rewards overtime on multi projects. Over 275,000 blockchain addresses contain assets staked to Sesameseed’s nodes."
See full list of Validator Spotlight 1.0.Validator Spotlight 2.0
Harmony validators are the backbone of the Harmony infrastructure who ensure consensus on blocks and transactions being processed on Harmony’s sharded high performance platform. At the same time, we are working towards next level of decentralization and encourage participation from more individual validators.
Feel free to say hi to the community first in the validator candidate topic <3whom to feature?
- individual validators
- unelected validators w/ high uptime
- poster → twitter →blog post →forum
- time span - one-month campaign, start after 5 epochs for more stable stat
- poster - add category badge: FN, staking service, volunteers; add node stats e.g. uptime
- twitter - competition (#vote, like, retweet); mega tweet
- twitter - show your portfolio“ campaign involvement from the delegators
- blog post - Suggested - diversified validator ecosystem
Validator Spotlight 3.0
More work is involved in maintaining a validator node than you might imagine,i.e. marketing/community management/guarantee enough uptime and stake. ONE of the best strategies is to team up with other trusted node-operators. The ultimate example is undoubtedly P-OPs Team Validator.
P-OPs Team Validator- As our official website introduceds - Pangaea Ops are the core external team supporting our network and community. They cultivate strong validators to secure the protocol, P-OPs is group of 8 highly qualified IT/Technology enthusiasts, located across the globe, who have tested and debugged Harmony Blockchain for over a year, and mentored numerous participants during Pangaea Phase 1/2/3. The whole validator community relies on them to troubleshoot their nodes.
If you are looking for “alliance”, we encourage you to also introduce yourself under the validator candidate topic <3. Here is a list of 43 validators who are eligible for next epoch with superb uptime by the time of posting, which can be considered good track record for a potential partner.
Note that this topic does not mean endorsement by the Harmony Team. Each user is encouraged to perform careful due diligence on every validator candidate.