QuickOne_Validator - (Unelected) New validator on harmony blockchain

Validator Name


Staking Profile

Commission %

0%, from the moment that I will be elected for first 100 epochs

Infrastructure Setup

Running harmony on two Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB, 512SSD Pro, with e 150Mbps fiber connection, the nodes are almost 400Km from each other for redundancy. Systems are supported also by PSU for power interruptions.

About Us

I am an IT architect with 12 years of experience in the field, I also have Ph.D. on monitoring, anomaly detection and SLA. I am passionate about my work, and about this project, and I plan to keep doing it long term. I want to help this community with network decentralizing and with other activities that might help the community and harmony grow.

I learned about harmony earlier this year, it was love at first sight :sweat_smile:. I quite like Harmony and decided that I want to support it with the decentralization, for this I setup my own validator. Since when i learned about harmony existence i have been learning a lot and getting more and more integrated with its community.

I setup a validator because because I felt passionate about the project and will support for this project in the long term, possibly permanently. I cannot do this alone, for this I need the community also to support me. I am trying to give back as best as I can, with support help, knowledge and all other activates that I able too. I have designed my Validator according to be on the highest IT standard and stability and at the same time using using systems that are environment friendly by their power usage. I am planning to be transparent as much as I can regarding my validator, for this I am developing a dashboard where the delegators can check in real time the status of the nodes with various details on the physical health of the nodes. I am active on twitter, reddit and telegram to support the users that put the trust in me and not only but the whole community to the best I can.

Validator Pledge

Harmony’s Effective Proof-of-Stake Validators are the backbones of the Harmony infrastructure. I/We shall pledge to constantly run an up-to-date validator, promote a decentralized validator community, and use best practices of running a validator service.

I/We have read the Terms and Concepts in detail and fully understood its purpose, possess the know-how of running this service, and know the risk-rewards to run this service. I/We fully understand Harmony’s Definitive Guide to Harmony Open Staking