Heaven.ONE ๐Ÿ˜‡ Harmony Validator - Elected

Validator Name


Staking Profile

Commission %


Infrastructure Setup

x2 Dedicated servers (x1 in London, x1 in Quebec) Consisting Of the following:

Intel Xeon E3-1230v6 - 4c/8t - 3.5 GHz/3.9 GHz


32 GB ECC 2133 MHz

Data disks


Expansion cards


About Us

I am a validator who is based in the UK in the Manchester area, who is extremely passionate about blockchain, in particular having a big belief in what the Harmony Protocol team has, can and will achieve.
I was first introduced to Harmony through researching coins with great communities, eventually stumbling across Harmony, and was struck by the warmth of the majority of the community members.
As part of my inclusivity pledge I create tutorials and FAQs on my medium page which so far include versions in English, Indonesian, German and Mandarin Chinese. I am also very keen on introducing concepts related to Harmony such as DAOโ€™s to a wider audience through education on how it can be beneficial to them. I believe that in order for Harmony to achieve its goals, it needs to be accessible to as many people around the world as possible and this is my way of helping to achieve that.

Validator Pledge

Harmonyโ€™s Effective Proof-of-Stake Validators are the backbones of the Harmony infrastructure. I/We shall pledge to constantly run an up-to-date validator, promote a decentralized validator community, and use best practices of running a validator service.

I/We have read the Terms and Concepts in detail and fully understood its purpose, possess the know-how of running this service, and know the risk-rewards to run this service. I/We fully understand Harmonyโ€™s Definitive Guide to Harmony Open Staking

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Glad to see you here, buddy! :wave: :fist_right: :fist_left:

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