🚨 RESULT: HIP-20: Adding Decimal To The Staking Dashboard

Voting for HIP-20 has ended and we are happy to note that the proposal has passed.

A total of 62.37% participation with 62.02% voting in favour!

Results are not displayed on Governance and the data is not perfect.

However, data has been collected and he following cleanup was done.

  1. Some people put a ‘1’ instead of the percentage so this is assumed as 100%

IF choice % == 1
THEN choice % = 100

  1. Some people put a number > 100 (even to quintillions!) - This was assumed as 100%

IF choice % > 100
THEN choice % = 100%

  1. Some data was contained within an array and some not, this was parsed accordingly.



For anyone wishing to confirm this:

The data has been calculated using this code: validator_info/voting.py at main · harmony-one-vdao/validator_info · GitHub

A report can be downloaded from
which will confirm the results above.

A pull request has been submitted to Harmony for the implementation and we would be grateful if @giv can review and commit the code if everything is ok after a review!

Summary of proposal:

:rotating_light: Validator DAO Vote :rotating_light:

HIP-20 Adding Decimal To The Staking Dashboard

:spiral_calendar: Start: Nov 26, 2021
:spiral_calendar: End: Dec 10, 2021

:writing_hand:Talk: [VOTE] HIP-20 Adding Decimal To The Staking Dashboard
:ballot_box:Vote: Snapshot

:blue_heart:#VDaoDotOne​:blue_heart: @harmonyprotocol $ONE


Minor but important change! Thanks all and especially thanks @Maffaz ! :sunglasses::+1: